The Effect of Tomatoes and Potatoes on Epilepsy

Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP

World Center for Health Education and Scientific Enlightenment

What is in tomatoes and potatoes that causes seizures or increases the frequency of seizures? There are three poisons in tomatoes and potatoes. The two main poisons in tomatoes are called tomatine and solanine, and the main poison in potatoes is solanine. 

It is nitrogen monoxide in tomatine and solanine that damages the enzyme in the synapses of the neurons that run through the brain, eyes, mouth, and limbs.

The purpose of the enzyme in the synapse is to speed up the transmission of the electrical signal from the axon to the dendrites. Damaging this enzyme will cause an interruption in signal transmission within the electrical circuitry of the three nervous systems. This interruption will cause a seizure lasting anywhere from 2 to 5 minutes depending on the amount of nitrogen monoxide in the person’s system. 

The bigger the amount of nitrogen monoxide in the person, the longer the episode and the greater the frequency of the episodes. There is always a connection between what a person eats, and the anomalies that occur in their body. No disease is a mystery.

The liver detoxifies all poisons. The question is how can the detoxify a specific poison when it does not have the nutrients and resources to produce the poison neutralizer? Epileptics and their parents are not aware of the importance of always removing sludge from the liver and providing the liver with specific nutrients and resources to perform specific tasks.

Huge amounts of nitrogen monoxide, carbon, and hydrogen are the three poisons that are in tomatoes and potatoes.

The chemical formula for solanine is C45 H73 NO15, where NO stands for nitrogen monoxide

The chemical formula for tomatine is C50 H83 NO21, where NO also stands for nitrogen monoxide

The total number of carbon atoms in tomatine and solanine is 95 when there are only 6 carbon atoms in glucose.

The total number of hydrogen atoms, the hottest gas in both tomatine and solanine is 156 when there are only 12 hydrogen atoms in glucose.

The total number of nitrogen monoxide atoms in tomatine and solanine is 36. There is oxygen in glucose, but not in tomatine and solanine. Only nitrogen monoxide is in tomatine and solanine. Since oxygen is an oxidizer, its absence from a poison makes the poison more difficult to neutralize.

Millions of individuals all over the world eat tomatoes and potatoes, but they do not have epilepsy. It is only the individuals who inherited epilepsy from the gene pool of their father or mother’s lineage that develop the susceptibility to epilepsy. 

How can epileptics have fewer episodes or no episodes at all regardless of whether it is grand mal or petit mal? They must be re-educated on the underlying cause of seizures, and this underlying cause is found in the foods the person eats, sometimes it is in certain pharmaceutical drugs.

All nightshades have solanine. Paprika, eggplant, all peppers, tobacco, curry powder, and blueberries are nightshades. They should be known for what they really are.

Of the nightshades, it is only extremely hot peppers whose nitrogen monoxide molecule is neutralized by rosemary leaves. The ingredients in rosemary leaves that neutralize nitrogen monoxide in extremely hot peppers are triterpenes, phenolic diterpenes, phenolic acids, and betulinic acid. Hence, the importance of always adding rosemary leaves to extremely hot peppers when cooking stew.

Since people must eat to live, and tomatoes and potatoes are eaten in almost every country on this planet, what should an epileptic do to prevent seizures? Symptometry recommends that they keep providing their liver with the nutrients and resources to detoxify the three above-mentioned poisons quickly and efficiently, and they will be fine. Is this understanding of epilepsy a theory? No. It has been confirmed and re-confirmed countless times. This makes it a fact.

Individuals who do not have epilepsy and eat tomatoes and potatoes will either have memory problems, attitude problems, gallbladder problems, addictions, cravings, arthritis, neuropathy, or sclerosis, aches and pains, pain in the eye, inflammation, hepatitis, etc.

However, if they also provide their livers with nutrients and resources to detoxify the three poisons in tomatoes and potatoes, as well as solanine in the other nightshades, they will be healthier than they currently are. Countless foods are cytotoxic. 

Therefore, assuming that crops are foods that should be eaten chaotically or culturally without providing the liver with external assistance for detoxification is wrong.

The liver has over twenty fully operational interconnected and interdependent segments. These segments that work overtime day and night nonstop are central to our cellular health. Therefore, the person who keeps ignoring the needs of their liver will never be healthy in their joints, mind, bones, gums, lungs, kidneys, blood, etc. What can the brain achieve without the liver? Nothing.

Doing liver detox with herbs including milk thistle and taking dietary supplements will never remove sludge that plastered the walls of the liver and keeps jamming its manufacturing and conversion segments. 

If sludge is not removed from the liver and the liver cannot produce enzymes to detoxify tomatine and solanine because it lacks specific nutrients and resources to produce the correct poison detoxifiers, epilepsy will never be cured. 

Epilepsy is not a mystery disease. People are just targeting the wrong suspect.

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