Dr. Maxwell Nartey
Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP
World Center for Cell Education and Scientific Enlightenment

Many women have been told that vomiting during pregnancy is normal. No, it is not.

The mere fact that women are extremely nauseous and vomit during their first trimester, or throughout their pregnancy does not make it normal. Here is a fact about nausea and vomiting during pregnancy that is worth considering. Since potassium chloride is the source of nausea and vomiting, let us take a closer look at potassium chloride.

Potassium chloride

Potassium chloride is two electrolytes from opposite spectra forming one molecule. Potassium just like sodium, is positively charged, but chloride is negatively charged.

If a positively charged electrolyte bonds with a negatively charged electrolyte in a hot medium such as hot water, there won’t be turbulence, but if they bond in the body where water is not hot, there will be turbulence.

Potassium is in prenatal supplements. It is also in potatoes, carrots, apples, bananas, and oranges to name only a few food sources of potassium. Then, chloride is in table salt.

Combining chloride with potassium, or sodium will cause turbulence in the gastrointestinal tract. Turbulence causes gyrations. It is gyrations in the tract that cause heartburn, nausea, and sometimes vomiting, bloating, gassiness, frequent belching, or hiccupping because the pH of the gastrointestinal tract has been altered. This is the science behind heartburn, nausea, vomiting, etc. that has never been discussed until now.

Therefore, it is not cell division in the baby that is causing nausea and vomiting. It is the gyrations caused by potassium chloride.

Does it mean that to stop nausea and vomiting the pregnant woman should not eat food that was cooked with salt? No, salt is not the issue because every pregnant woman must eat food that is cooked with salt for the sake of her health and that of her baby.

After all, sodium chloride is required to produce HCL for digestion. Instead, what the pregnant woman should do is have enzymes called bond breakers to stop nausea and vomiting, and Symptometry has bond breakers called hydrolyzers for this purpose.

It is hydrolyzers that break chloride from potassium to end morning sickness, seasickness, airsickness, carsickness, trainsickness, nausea associated with menstruation, etc. The woman will ruin her baby’s future if she does not get hydrolyzers. I will explain.

If a pregnant woman vomits very often, good nutrients and resources to produce strong and properly shaped organs for her baby will be scarce. As a result, her baby will grow up skinny or could develop a hernia, food sensitivities, celiac disease aka gluten intolerance, stomach problems, lactose intolerance, oil intolerance, severe constipation, inability to digest sugar, fat, oil, salt, etc.

The natural inability to digest oil and fat will predispose the child to obesity, or the reverse, which is the inability to store fat for insulation, causing Raynaud’s syndrome.

If the pregnant woman can digest salt and consume electrolytes without vomiting them, she will build her baby’s electrical circuitry, meaning its enteric nervous system, peripheral nervous system, autonomic nervous system, and central nervous system.

Suppose these nervous systems are not built on a strong foundation because the woman kept vomiting electrolytes, water’s electrical energy, and the salt’s cations, what should she expect? Her baby will likely be born with a susceptibility to epilepsy, dyslexia, asthma, tremors, stuttering, tendency to be non-verbal aka inability to talk, Huntington’s disease, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, mental illness, etc.

Electricity in the matrix and collagen serves as the foundation of the human body. Our lungs and hearts can’t function without electricity.

Also, our stomachs mix food, and we see, hear, smell, taste, move, talk, think, etc. because of the nerves that are in our organs, membranes, blood vessels, tissues, etc.; and it is electricity that facilitates neuronal connectivity, enzymatic action, and nerve transmission and reception.

Therefore, vomiting to eliminate all the sources of electrical energy from a baby’s body will never augur well for that baby. As a result, the baby, if it survives, will be born with a multitude of electrical or neurological problems caused by a weak foundation.

After birth, a child that is born with a weak foundation can grow and become a teenager, a young adult, or an adult, but they must be on a special diet such as a pepper-free diet, gluten-free diet, oil-free diet, salt-free diet, etc. The problem is that these so-called special diets will never resolve the person’s foundational problem.

Women have been miseducated and misinformed about pregnancy by their mothers and grandmothers for so long that they accepted misinformation as the truth and the basis for their culture. It is time to step in and shine the spotlight on the total scientific truth about pregnancy so that women can start bringing strong, intelligent, and healthy babies into this world.

Is it too late to turn things around?

Is it too late to improve the life of a person whose mother vomited throughout her pregnancy and turn things around? It depends on the person.

In Symptometry, a reversal is always possible, but a whole lot depends on the person who has the problem. If they want their cells to self-correct and self-perpetuate to end asthma, epilepsy, Huntington’s disease, etc., all they have to do is be committed to scientific eating and living and comply with the recommendations on the foods to eat and foods to avoid, as well as the removal of garbage from their cells. Then, they will begin to see good results.

First and foremost, the foundation that was ruined when they were in their mother’s womb must be rebuilt if not 100%, at least 75%, and 75% is better than 0% because it is impossible to correct a person’s foundational mistakes without rebuilding their foundation. Pregnancy is also foundation-building.

The takeaway

The takeaway from this discussion is that morning sickness can be stopped or prevented, not with herbs or pharmaceuticals, but with hydrolyzers from Symptometry. Hence, the importance of Symptometry’s pregnancy management and postpartum services and assistance.

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