How Tomatoes And Potatoes Cause Memory Loss

Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP

World Center for Health Education and Scientific Enlightenment

Do you have a memory problem? Look no further than the potatoes and tomatoes you have been eating. What is in tomatoes and potatoes that causes forgetfulness, brain fog, memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease? The answer is 1) nitrogen monoxide 2) tomatine and 3) solanine.

Nitrogen monoxide, tomatine, and solanine will never kill a person right away. Here is what they will do. They will make the genes release a defective blueprint to DNA for onward transmission to messenger RNA, transfer RNA, and ribosomal RNA.

Since ribosomal RNA never produces high-quality brain essentials with defective blueprints, the quality of the enzyme called acetylcholinesterase that will be produced will be so low that acetylcholinesterase will not be able to degrade and remove old acetylcholine. 

It is the non-removal of old acetylcholine and its non-replacement by fresh acetylcholine that will begin to cause memory problems starting with forgetfulness, and this could happen as early as fifth grade. Would it get better? No, it would get progressively worse because people do not have a clue about what it takes to have a healthy memory. Here are the facts.

Know the facts

Glutamate and acetylcholine are used by brain cells to aid in memory, cognition, alertness, and thinking. Glutamate also has the added benefit of enhancing creativity and reflex actions, allowing for quick decision-making in split-second situations.

On November 3, 1906, Alois Alzheimer, a German clinical psychiatrist, and neuroanatomist, reported “A peculiar severe disease process of the cerebral cortex” to the 37th Meeting of South-West German Psychiatrists in Tubingen, Germany. 

To this meeting, he described a 50-year-old woman whom he had followed from her admission to a hospital for paranoia, progressive sleep and memory disturbance, aggression, and confusion until she died 5 years later. The autopsy report noted distinctive plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the woman’s brain.

It is extremely disappointing to note that Dr. Alois Alzheimer was long on observation but short on facts. As a clinical psychiatrist, he never applied quantum physics to his observation. Applied quantum physics teaches that in the human body, emptiness does not exist. Basically, where glutamate and acetylcholine are missing, plaque will automatically take their places.

The second issue I am taking with Alois Alzheimer’s work is, he never studied the woman’s diet. This is typical of all psychiatrists. He was only interested in documenting changes in the woman’s behavior, attitude, manners, sleep duration, etc. without connecting these disorders to the non-availability of acetylcholinesterase.

Also, he failed to connect her diet to the non-production of neurons, glutamate, and acetylcholine, an effort that would have enabled him to uncover the underlying cause of her confusion, aggression, and decline in cognition and memory. By today’s standards, his report would have been deemed not worthy of consideration because it was too flawed. 

He never mentioned the genes, the defective blueprints, and ribosomal RNA, and his fellow psychiatrists did not press him on these omissions. In symptometric science, his work would not have been acceptable.

Thanks to chromatography, we now know that the poisons in tomatoes and potatoes destroy the foundation of the brain structure and the person’s personality in addition to destroying the following enzymes: 1) helicase that uncoils DNA 2) kinase and cyclin that divide the brain cells and 3) permeases that modify the structure of nutrients so that they can penetrate the cells. 

Alois Alzheimer’s mentioned the cerebral cortex. Yes, the cerebral cortex is the seat of personality. This cortex defines who we are and how unique each person is.

Therefore, if plaque fills the cerebral cortex, the person’s behavior, preferences, likes, and dislikes, attitude, etc. will progressively change to the point where the person would be unrecognizable when evaluated based on their past attitude and behavior.

There have been instances where individuals who were experiencing memory loss accidentally left a store without paying for their items or they forgot to close their gas tank and properly replace the nozzle after filling up.

Criminal defense lawyers often talk about individuals who engage in criminal activities without any recollection of how they committed the offense for which they are being accused.

Memory loss has become such a worldwide problem that neuroscientists and neuropsychiatrists have run out of cogent explanations. The truth is, they keep looking for answers in all the wrong places. Symptometric science can be of significant assistance if the intention is to reverse memory loss.

Products on the market

There are all kinds of memory boosters on the market with Gingko Biloba leading the pack. People give testimonies in television promos about how great these products are and how they worked for them. 

How do these products work? Do they bypass neurofibrillary plaque in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex? If the products keep doing what the brain cells are supposed to do, what will the side effects be? Food for thought.

The so-called APOE-e4 gene

According to the apolipoprotein-E4 researchers, we all inherit a copy of the APOE -e4 gene from our mother or father, implying that we will all suffer from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Really? This research is flawed at its core. Here is why.

Human genes are imbued with super intelligence for self-correction, self-protection, self-repair, self-preservation, and self-perpetuation. They will keep engaging in self-correction and self-repair if the person does not take careless action that damages their DNA or leaves their DNA in a state of disrepair for several decades.

Our genes can be contaminated, but they are indestructible. They will self-correct and self-repair if DNA is repaired with DNA polymerase. On the other hand, DNA cannot repair itself. Hence, the basic difference between genes and DNA.

Why eat tomatoes and potatoes and not remove nightshade sludge from the system 24 hours after eating them? This is the knowledge about poisons that the APOE-4 gene researchers never acquired, and it is now available thanks to symptometric science.

A better approach

A better approach to address the memory loss issue would be to 1) ionize neurofibrillary plaque, as well as the nightshade sludge that has been in the person’s brain for decades 2) provide the brain with thermal energy every day 3) provide particulates to assist in the production of acetylcholinesterase, glutamate, and acetylcholine and 4) change the person’s diet by replacing tomatoes and potatoes with foods that are not nightshades. 

This four-pronged approach is called the symptometric approach. It has delivered results countless times, as evidenced by people whose memories improved dramatically. This is why, compared to the other methods, it is a better approach. More importantly, it is scientifically sound.

People cannot improve their memories by just stopping eating tomatoes. The tomato poisons must be ionized. If they are not ionized, and the brain does not receive thermal energy, dementia or Alzheimer’s will never be reversed.

Nightshades were created to test human intelligence and ingenuity as far as choice is concerned. Unfortunately, billions of individuals keep failing this simple test because chromatography was never used to deconstruct tomatoes to know what else is in them besides lycopene and vitamin C. 

Also, correlation diagnosis, which is germane to symptometric science has never been used to connect tomatoes and potatoes to neurological disorders. Thanks to symptometric science, progress is now being made on this front.


Blaming aging for memory loss is complete old-school nonsense. Eating tomatoes and potatoes, and not ionizing the nightshade sludge thereafter is the mistake people have not stopped making. This is why they keep suffering from memory loss.

I was raised in Ghana, a tomato country. Tomato is a staple not only in Ghana but also in every one of the remaining 194 countries of this world. The taste for tomatoes begins in the mother’s womb. After the first birthday, the baby is fed tomatoes, and raised on tomatoes. This causes addiction to tomatoes, and addiction to tomatoes paves the way for other addictions.

The way around tomatoes

I do not eat tomatoes, and when I travel, and eat tomato stew because the other options imply belly-filling, I have particulates to ionize tomatine, solanine, and nitrogen monoxide within 24 hours after eating tomatoes or potatoes. This explains why my brain is super sharp and my memory is excellent at age 72 and counting. I sleep soundly whenever I lay down to sleep, and I do not experience pain anywhere in my body.

People are not aware that they can make mackerel stew, sardine stew, bison stew, turkey stew, fish stew, etc. without tomatoes. Also, one can make gravy that tastes good without tomatoes. 

Therefore, learn how to nourish your cells, and not hurt them. If you keep hurting them, they will take you out. It is that simple.

Heat-resistant poisons

What should be known about tomatine, solanine, and nitrogen monoxide in tomatoes is, they are heat-resistant poisons. This means boiling, baking, or frying tomatoes and potatoes makes no difference. Then, eating tomatoes raw as in a sandwich, makes the poisons affect the nerves faster.

Also, the color of the potatoes (yellow, blue, red, pink, etc.) is irrelevant. Finally, whether tomatoes are genetic or regular makes no difference. The same poisons are in all tomatoes and potatoes. However, size matters when it comes to the poisons in crops.

If circumstances such as traveling make it impossible to avoid tomatoes and potatoes, the best advice is to have a particulate handy to ionize the nightshade sludge after eating potatoes or tomatoes.

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