The Horrors Of Tomatoes & Potatoes

Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP

World Center for Health Education and Scientific Enlightenment

There are many ailments, diseases, or symptoms that tomato poison and potato poison cause in a person. This poison is called solanine. Its chemical formula is C45 H73 NO15 where NO stands for nitrogen monoxide, an extremely violent poison. 

Tomatine is another poison in tomatoes. Its chemical formula is C50 H83 NO21, making tomatine deadlier than solanine.

Ripe tomatoes look so pretty, attractive, and appealing to the eyes, but never forget that in Nature, beauty is a decoy and a boobytrap. Therefore, buyer beware.

Nutritionists always talk about lycopene, magnesium, choline, and vitamin C in tomatoes. Why do they keep missing tomatine and solanine, the two deadly poisons in tomatoes? Is it intentional, or their research does not take them deep into the landmines in fruits and vegetables? Food for thought.

The particulate that hydrolyzes the tomato sludge that causes all the ailments listed below is known in Symptometry under the codename LADRIXAL. Symptometry allows the liver to have this particulate so that it can detoxify the poisons in tomatoes and potatoes, as well as the poisons in all the other nightshades.

The ailments that LADRIXAL stops include:

  1. Paralysis due to the complete loss of ambulatory force in the spine and legs. Such a loss makes the person confined to a wheelchair, or bedridden with a total loss of self-reliance and mobility. Severe depression will follow such a monumental loss
  2. Influenza. Tomato sludge is an excellent growth factor for the cold viruses including all the influenza variants
  3. Tendency to faint
  4. Headaches or migraines. Basically, all headaches
  5. Occipital headache
  6. Rheumatism
  7. Pain in the heart
  8. Slow pulse (bradycardia)
  9. Pain in the chest muscles
  10. Watery eyes
  11. The roof of the mouth itches
  12. Face is flushed
  13. Very gassy and passes gas frequently no matter what was eaten
  14. Diarrhea regardless of what was eaten
  15. Constant vaginal discharge
  16. Menses come on again before the next cycle
  17. Cannot tolerate noise. The clinging of dishes in the kitchen sink gets on his or her nerve.
  18. Thirst for large quantities of water resulting in kidney stones
  19. Alzheimer’s disease, forgetfulness, and dementia where ideas just vanish
  20. Insomnia. Sleepless nights, restless sleep
  21. Vertigo, Meniere’s disease, or lightheadedness
  22. Frequent night urination
  23. Cannot empty the bladder entirely
  24. Damage to the right or left arm caused by a birth control device. Solanine and tomatine make such implantation problematic
  25. Left arm is numb as if “gone to sleep”
  26. Right arm is numb as if “gone to sleep”
  27. Pain in the eyes
  28. Pain in the wrist (Carpal tunnel syndrome)
  29. Dyslexia
  30. Bad breath
  31. White coat on the tongue
  32. Anxiety
  33. Belching
  34. Constant desire to clear the throat
  35. Pain in the throat or on the side of the throat
  36. Seasonal allergies
  37. Pain in the legs

Tomatoes have facilitated the creation of a multibillion-dollar industry worldwide as evidenced by Ketchup TM, Salsa, tomato paste, tomato juice, and tomato sauce. Fast food will never be what it is today without tomatoes.

Tomato is the lifeblood of every African culture, Central American culture, South American culture, Native American culture, and some European cultures. Asking the patrons of such cultures to be extremely careful with tomatoes is like urging them to commit suicide. Even if they stop eating tomatoes, the tomato sludge that has been in them for decades will have to be ionized, or else, they will still not be optimally healthy.

The other symptoms from nightshades for which different liver particulates will be needed to detoxify them include:

  1. Addictions and cravings
  2. Swollen feet
  3. Stomach pain or discomfort
  4. Tumor in the stomach
  5. Headache over both eyes
  6. Tumor in the rectum (colon cancer)
  7. Ticklish cough
  8. The entire body becomes stiff
  9. Mental illness marked by delirium tremens
  10. Appendicitis
  11. Chronic intestinal toxemia, meaning the large and small intestines are filled with toxins and poisons
  12. Meningitis resulting from the upward diffusion of intestinal toxemia to the pia mater, dura mater, and arachnoid mater in the meninges
  13. Appetite is completely lost
  14. Nightmares
  15. Person cannot think, their answers do not make sense, or they appear to be indifferent to their surrounding
  16. Person sleeps all day, a form of narcolepsy
  17. Hallucinations. Psychiatrists will prescribe psychiatric drugs to treat hallucinations and leave the source of the hallucination in the patient.
  18. Carphologia aka picking at something, such as bedclothes, 
  19. Tongue as if paralyzed, as in non-verbal autistics
  20. Tendency to sweat profusely
  21. Trembling of the legs
  22. Person dreams of snakes
  23. One finger or toe is contracted or cannot be straightened like the others
  24. Leg cannot be stretched. It is frozen in place in a V shape
  25. Arm cannot be stretched. It is frozen in place in an L shape or looks dead
  26. Person sees sparks when no one else sees such sparks
  27. Dim vision
  28. Person sees floating spots, now called floaters
  29. Every object seems too bright, one must wear sunglasses even indoors to be able to see
  30. Constipation. After much straining, the person can only eliminate a few small, dry balls of hard feces

The liver of a person who suffers from any of the above-mentioned ailments must be given the most suitable particulates to hydrolyze the sludge that nightshades produced when they were in their mother’s womb. If they want to continue to eat tomatoes and potatoes, their liver must detoxify the solanine sludge periodically. 

How does tomato sludge or potato sludge affect the brain?

It causes addictions, cravings, lack of fresh ideas, resistance to change, stubbornness, refusal to forgive or vindictiveness, irritability over trifles, appetite for vengeance, cruelty, unnecessary defiance, baseless suspicion, malice, propensity for violence, criminality, etc.

The cocaine problem, the marijuana problem, the methamphetamine problem, the nicotine problem,  etc., are addiction problems, and every addiction problem stems from the solanine sludge or tomatine sludge that has never been ionized from the person’s brain.

After drawing attention to the dangers of tomatoes and potatoes, Symptometry strongly recommends that after eating tomatoes or potatoes, the solanine sludge must be hydrolyzed. 

Symptometry also recommends avoiding tomatoes and potatoes or eating them in moderation. Then, after eating such vegetables, the tomatine sludge, or solanine sludge must be hydrolyzed within 24 hours.

Symptometry does not want the tomato and potato industries to collapse because of their significant contribution to the economy, as employers and taxpayers. However, individual efforts will be highly appreciated if the tomato and potato eaters have the presence of mind to keep ionizing the solanine and tomatine sludge from their livers periodically. This will allow them to remain healthy mentally, emotionally, physically, sexually, etc.

Governments keep spending billions of dollars building new prisons, detention centers, and jailhouses, and spending many billions of dollars more to hire and train new law enforcement officers without ever grazing the source of the addiction problem. 

Symptometry’s recommendations are worth looking into because they remove the source of the addiction problem and criminality. Problems must be solved, not kicked down the road like an empty can.

Has psychiatry made any progress in addressing drug addiction on a global scale? Unfortunately, it has not.

© Copyright 2023, The American School of Symptometry, NFP. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of The American School of Symptometry, NFP. Library of Congress copyright number Txu 1-621-370, Washington D.C.

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