Explaining The Underlying Cause Of Stomach Pain

Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP

World Center for Health Education and Scientific Enlightenment

Millions of people complain of stomach pain; stomach pain before eating, stomach pain after eating breakfast, stomach after eating dinner, and stomach pain after eating starch, sugar, oil, or fat. Physicians run clinical tests, and the results are negative. Sometimes, the pain is so severe after eating that the person skips meal after meal until they become anorexic. What is really happening?

It turns out the individuals who have been complaining of stomach pain have been breaking the natural law. What is the natural law that people are not aware of?

The natural law that governs human physiology states that:

  1. The new must replace the old
  2. The strong must replace the weak and
  3. The normal must replace the abnormal

To digest food (starch, sugar, oil, fat, and protein), and even water, the salivary glands must release high-quality amylase, ptyalin, and mucin, the stomach must produce and release gastric juices, pepsin, hydrochloric acid, and protease, the pancreas must release pancreatic juices, pancreatic lipase, pancreatic amylase, insulin, carboxypeptidase, trypsin, and chymotrypsin, the kidneys must release fructokinase, the liver must release bile, fructokinase, and emulsification enzymes, the small intestine must release sucrase, maltase, lactase, intestinal lipase, and the gallbladder must release bile salts. This is the easy part. Here comes the hard part.

All the glands that participate in digestion are covered with glandular epithelium. For the glands to continue to function optimally so that every food is thoroughly digested within 45 minutes, their glandular epitheliums must be renewed every six months to a year.

Failure to renew the glandular epithelium of the digestive glands would cause food sensitivities, pain in the left or right hypochondrium, bloating, gassiness, frequent belching, or hiccupping. There have been instances where the non-renewal of the glandular epitheliums has caused giddiness or lightheadedness.

To renew glandular epithelium, the therapeutic product must have force, strength, power, and vibrational pressure to speedily remove the old glandular epithelium so that ribosomal RNA can quickly use electrical energy and magnetism to harness nutrients and resources to produce fresh glandular epithelium to replace the old one. This is how our own cells with the help of a Doctor of Symptometry, are able to replace the glandular epitheliums of the stomach, pancreas, small intestine, liver, and gallbladder in six hours. 

Therefore, the best time to replace the old glandular epithelium with new glandular epithelium is when the person is sleeping soundly for 5 to 6 hours. This is considered to be the best time to do such renewal because ribosomal RNA will use part of sleep energy, melatonin, and serotonin to accomplish its objective.

The six-hour timeframe is important for rejuvenation because the entire digestive system is at rest, and this is because the person is not eating anything. This is why once or twice in six months; it is not recommended to interrupt a six-hour sleep to eat.

Unfortunately, individuals who cannot sleep soundly for 5 to 6 hours because of headaches, vomiting, thinking, worries, frequent trips to the bathroom, etc. must solve these problems first because there is absolutely no other way to replace old glandular epithelium. 

Also, ribosomal RNA will never do any repairs or renew epithelium when the person’s mind is not at rest. Healing starts in the mind.

What tools would ribosomal RNA use to replace old glandular epithelium with a new one? The only tools available are specific particulates. Naturopaths, nutritionists, chiropractors, physicians, Chinese medical practitioners, acupuncturists, and herbalists do not have such tools. It is because they do not have specific particulates to bring about tissue renewal that the stomach sufferers who go to them for treatment are disappointed.

There are children who have never renewed their glandular epitheliums. For this reason, they cannot digest meat, fish, milk, vegetables, oil, or starch (gluten, glutelin, glutenin, and phytates), etc. 

Calling a disease celiac disease because the child cannot digest gluten is ludicrous. Starch must be digested in its entirety or else, there would not be enough ribose to go around. Without ribose, a nucleotide cannot be produced to replace old DNA in certain cells. This explains why celiacs, anorexics, and stomach pain sufferers have chronic ailments.

There are many adults who have had stomach problems since childhood, and no one ever told them that they have a glandular epithelium problem. The saddest part of their experience is, they continue to live with the myth that their disease is incurable. This is totally unacceptable by today’s standards. 

If physicians cannot cure diseases it does not mean there is no one else on this planet who cannot cure a person’s disease. Physicians have reached the end of their road. We have not. We still have thousands of miles of road (the Symptometry road) ahead of us, and this road is wide open.

The new age has dawned upon us leaving behind the old age full of failures, suffering, and misery. Symptometric science is leading the charge in the Age of Scientific Enlightenment and pointing people in the right direction.

Three years ago, we did not have these top-of-the-line particulates that renew glandular epithelium. We now have them, thanks to symptometric research. Why continue to suffer in silence, and fill yourself with anger, negativity, anxiety, pessimism, and worse of all, stress? Why stress yourself out? It is not worth it.

You must be able to digest every food and to digest food thoroughly, you must produce food enzymes and ancillary enzymes. More importantly, all your glandular epitheliums must be renewed on time so that you stop breaking the natural law.

For 1,700 years, the world never had Symptometry. Now, it is here.

Names such as gastralgia, dyspepsia, H Pylori, celiac disease, bulimia nervosa, anorexia nervosa, lactose intolerance, etc. are now perfectly curable by Symptometry. Renew glandular epithelium, and the digestive system would be back in business.

© Copyright 2023, The American School of Symptometry, NFP. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of The American School of Symptometry, NFP. Library of Congress copyright number Txu 1-621-370, Washington D.C.

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