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Understanding Hallucinations

Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP

World Center for Health Education & Scientific Enlightenment

Two reasons explain hallucination: 1) cerebral anemia and 2) the vibrations of metals in the Eustachian tube or in the retina.

The point of focus of every image is before the retina, on the retina or behind the retina. In astigmatism, the point of focus is a little bit scattered.

How does a person get metals into their body? The three ways that metals get into a person’s body are: 1) by ingesting raw leaves or leafy products 2) by taking pharmaceutical drugs 3) by drinking water that contains lead and other metallic impurities. 

Therefore, any person who has metals in their brain should never rule out hallucination.

Per the law of recovery, metals will never leave our tissues unless they are forcibly removed. Therefore, if a person who hallucinates does not remove metals from their brain, and change their diet and lifestyle, they will never recover from their illness.

If metals are not removed, they will react with salt in blood, and this biochemical reaction will produce metallic debris. Since metals vibrate, there will also be vibrations in their metallic debris.

Metallic debris will amplify the distortion of the parallel rays of any image that travels through the lens. This distortion will eventually start altering the face, the shape, the color, and the size of what is being seen. This alteration makes the person uncertain of what they are seeing. If this continues, the person’s hippocampus will be impacted, and there will be a lot of plaque in it.

A person whose hippocampus has been impacted will not be able to trust their own judgment. This will fill the person with hesitancy, doubt, mistrust, disbelief, suspicion, lack of self-confidence and a flurry of assumptions that are not rooted in reality. 

It is these false or baseless assumptions that would eventually alter the person’s personality perceptions, thereby making them delusional, schizophrenic, maniacal, neurotic, psychotic, bipolar, etc., and totally unreliable.

Psychiatrists diagnose mental illness as schizophrenia, neurosis, psychosis, personality disorder, etc., but it is symptometric science that explains what happened at the cellular level to cause these mental aberrations. 

It is the adrenal gland that produces androgens to regulate a person’s libido and behavior, and it is HDL (high-density lipoprotein) that the adrenal gland uses to produce androgens. 

Why is a person behaving irrationally? The answer should not be hard to find. Their adrenal gland is impoverished.

If the person’s adrenal gland is massively congested, and they do not have enough HDL to produce androgens including testosterone, how can their behavior be regulated? This will be impossible. Pedophiles, and all the other sex offenders, have an impoverished adrenal gland. 

Therefore, focusing a treatment on the person’s mind when it is their adrenal gland that is malfunctioning is dead wrong.

The person was not born schizophrenic, neurotic or psychotic. What happened between the time they were born and when they started behaving irrationally? This is the void psychiatry, and psychology cannot fill, and symptometric science is now filling it with cogent explanations based on the study of metals, quantum physics, coal tar derivatives, and enzymes.

Metals are not the harmless substances some of us think they are. Some metals are stable, others are not. The extremely unstable metals are called radioactive isotopes.

Metals denature enzymes. Two enzymes divide all human cells except the fibroblasts and the neurons. These enzymes are called kinase and cyclin. 

If metals denature kinase and cyclin in the brain, how can the brain cells divide to produce new brain cells for the hippocampus and for the cerebral cortex? They cannot. 

It is the cells of the cerebral cortex that rely on the genes to produce a person’s personality. If the cells of the cerebral cortex cannot have enough blood, and they are calcified, where will the genes have the forces they need to produce a normal personality? This will be impossible. I am explaining how severe cerebral anemia and arteriosclerosis can also distort a person’s personality.

The cells of the pineal gland produce serotonin to regulate our mood. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, and it is stored in the axon of each neuron. If a person cannot produce neurons, where will serotonin be stored for future use? The answer is, nowhere.

Here again, I am explaining why a person who suffers from cerebral anemia will also have mood problems because either they cannot produce serotonin, or they produce it, but they cannot store it. Let me take a second to discuss the underlying cause of cerebral anemia.

Nitric oxide

It is nitric oxide that uses propulsive force to circulate blood; and blood contains nutrients and resources among other things. However, it is the endothelium which lines our capillaries and arteries that produce nitric oxide, but in order to produce nitric oxide, endothelium must produce enzymes to accelerate the production of nitric oxide. 

If metals continue to denature the enzymes endothelium produces, can nitric oxide be produced to circulate blood to the brain? The answer is, no. This explains why every person who hears voices, and has a distorted image of any object, is also suffering from the consequences of cerebral anemia. 

Hallucination is not new. It has been around for millennia. Now is the time to fully understand its underlying causes instead of throwing up our hands in the air and expect a miracle.

 Let me now explain how controlled substances cause hallucinations.

Negative effects of controlled substances on the human brain

A controlled substance is a substance that a person is not supposed to buy or sell unless they have legal authority. The legislatures of different states have passed laws on controlled substances.

Cocaine is a controlled substance. It is made with the coca leaf, and there are alkaloids and metals in this leaf. Marijuana, hashish, cannabis, and heroin have hallucinogenic alkaloids and metals. Here is what must be known about every leaf.

Every leaf cleans the atmosphere by absorbing and retaining metals and atmospheric pollutants. Therefore, any person who lights up a hallucinogenic leaf and smokes it, will have metals and atmospheric pollutants in their three nervous systems.

Controlled substances that have been adulterated like fentanyl, methamphetamine, “speed”, “LSD”, “Ice”, “BZP”, buprenorphine, benzodiazepines and amphetamines, will cause stasis (blood stagnation). Why? The answer is, they release strong anions, and anions release negative vibrations. It is strong negative vibrations that cause resistance, tension, friction and stasis, if not inertia (lack of movement) in the person’s blood.

Blood must circulate fast in our veins, arteries, and capillaries, and it is nitric oxide that circulates it. If the above-mentioned adulterated substances make it impossible for blood to circulate fast, the person will not be mentally healthy, and this is because blood is stagnating in their cerebral arteries and capillaries.

Therefore, it is not only metals that cause mental aberrations. Adulterated substances that keep causing stasis will also cause mental aberrations. These are the facts about the underlying causes of hallucination that have been sidestepped, and it is important to shine some bright light on them so that those who need root-cause assistance can have it.

Cause of addictions

Why do certain individuals have the urge to do drugs? The answer is simple. They cannot produce enough neurons; and they cannot produce enough neurons because they are suffering from the consequences of cerebral anemia, and also, their brain is impoverished. 

A person who has enough well-oxygenated blood in their brain will produce enough neurons. As a result, serotonin will be stored in the axon of their neurons for future use.

How does a person produce neurons? This is an important subject that is taught at the American School of Symptometry, NFP. Brain health and mental health depend on good circulation in the brain and on the number of neurons a person produces every day.

To have a healthy brain and mind, a person must produce between 10 billion and 15 billion neurons every day. If they do not, they will begin to have mental aberrations starting with addictions. This is the truth about the human mind that has never been shared with the public, and now is the time to share it because the entire world is going crazy. People have become so delusional that they are confusing truth with falsehood, and fiction with reality.

The so-called opioid crisis should have been avoided a long time ago if parents had known how to take care of their brains, and their children’s brains. Unfortunately, they did not know how and still, they do not know when Symptometry is right here to help.

Taking care of one’s brain is not the government’s responsibility. It is our personal responsibility. Let me at this point discuss how brain injury can cause hallucinations.

Head injury

Head trauma or head injury would shake the dura mater, the pia mater and the arachnoid mater so violently that heavy metals would be all over the person’s brain. As a result, the person could start suffering from seizures, chronic headaches or hallucinations. Why? Here is the answer.

The metals that were stuck in the person’s brain, and did not vibrate, will start to vibrate because the impact shook them out of brain tissue. 

The metallic vibrations may cause tinnitus (ringing in the ear), they could impair neuronal connectivity to cause seizures, they could compress brain tissue to cause tension headaches or migraines, they could distort the sound waves to cause hallucination of voices, or they could distort the parallel rays to cause hallucination of vision. These distortions could reach the cones in the retina to cause chromatic hallucinations. This is the kind of hallucination where the person sees an interplay of lights and colors with great delight.

All these visual and auditory anomalies could have been prevented by constantly removing metals and atmospheric pollutants from the brain. Also, they could have been prevented by eating foods and drinking water that do not contain metals. Finally, they could have been prevented by taking products that do not have metals.

Life on planet earth requires knowing where all the boobytraps are and taking steps to avoid them. It also entails knowing what to do to remove metals from our tissues. Chaotic eating and living, is no longer acceptable. Scientific eating and living is the new way of life led by Symptometry.

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