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A Closer Look At Traditional Chinese Medicine And Acupuncture

Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP

World Center for Health Education & Scientific Enlightenment

Chinese philosophy

The Chinese believe that the life force that keeps a person alive, flows along the body’s meridians. According to Chi studies, meridians are Chi channels. Sickness will occur where the life force is being obstructed, and death will occur because Chi has been permanently obstructed.

Therefore, the purpose of treatment with Chinese herbs, and acupuncture is to reopen the meridians so that Chi can restore health to where health has been denied.

Symptometry versus Chinese philosophy

After studying Chinese therapeutics and philosophy, I sought some clarifications from some acupuncturists.

I know what Chi is, but what is obstructing the flow of Chi? The answers I got were not satisfactory.

The Chinese believe that it is the overabundance of yang (negative energy) that is obstructing the flow of Chi to cause a disease. This is true, but they cannot explain why a blockage is in the way. The reason they cannot explain why a blockage is obstructing Chi is, Chinese philosophy is a belief system. There is no verifiable science to it.

Symptometry has a scientific explanation for the obstructions. The obstructions result from the biochemical reactions caused by salt in our blood. These reactions produced debris, plaque, sludge and concretions. Every Chinese knows that their blood, their tears, their sweat, and their phlegm are salty. Here comes the question.

What is salt?

In addition to being a supplier of cations, and anions, and a provider of osmotic pressure, salt is a reactor. Had salt not been in our blood, nothing would have reacted with salt to produce the products, and the factors that obstructed the flow of Chi. Blood clots can also cause a blockage. 

Therefore, it was the non-application of chemistry to Chinese philosophy and acupuncture that made the Chinese to sidestep the roots of countless blockages and impurities in human blood.

Here was another important fact that the Chinese ignored, and this fact is about the fluid connective tissue called blood.

Chi does not flow by itself. It flows through blood. There is electrical energy, and thermal energy wherever Chi is. Blood that is in the arteries, arterioles, capillaries, veins, and venules of every Chinese, also circulates water, platelets, different white blood cells, hemoglobin, red blood cells, microbes, some worms or other parasites, gases, neurotransmitters, hormones, different peptides, monosaccharides, disaccharides, metabolites, triglycerides, etc. 

Why not mention the entirety of blood traffic? All Oriental medicine does is, focus only on Chi? Also, why not mention the blood vessels through which blood and Chi flow from the organs and the tissues to the heart; and from the heart back to the organs and the tissues?

This is not a matter of pitting Oriental medicine against Western medicine. Scientific facts matter in this context; and facts are needed in order to properly understand Oriental medicine.

If the Orientals would like Oriental medicine to be confined only to some countries in Asia, they should have remained within their confines. 

I presume that by popularizing and exporting TCM and acupuncture to the United States, Portugal, Spain, Great Britain, France, and their former colonies, the Chinese wanted people to have a choice between Oriental medicine, and allopathic medicine. Fair enough, but the truth is, with every choice that is made, there are questions to be answered.

Symptometry accepts the fact that yin (positive energy) must coexist with yang (negative energy) in our bodies. 

However, the difference is, Symptometry insists that the sources of yang must be considerably reduced so that yin can continue to have the upper hand in a person who wants to remain optimally healthy. 

Also, the cells must be decongested and scientifically nourished so that they can produce all their essentials, as well as the person’s brain essentials and body essentials. 

Finally, blood must be cleaned periodically to prevent hindrances from obstructing the circulation of nutrients, junk, and resources.

The Chinese admit that blood must be cleaned, but they also argue that they have Chinese herbs for such cleansing. Therefore, to them, Chinese herbs would clean the person’s blood while acupuncture improves or restores the flow of Chi. What about the chalk deposits that are left in cartilage? Who will remove them?

To the Chinese, such deposits are irrelevant, and diseases are also irrelevant. Is typhoid irrelevant? Is malaria irrelevant? It appears Chinese philosophy is missing the point. In real life, no one who has health disruptors in their body would be optimally healthy.

It is fair to say that, outside China, the Chinese concept of health and disease is not practical.


The purpose of acupuncture is to bring relief by inserting needles along the meridians. This insertion redirects the flow of Chi, thereby circumventing the root of the disease which could be a poison, a toxin, alkaloids, debris, sludge, concretions, etc. This procedure suggests that the cause of the disease is totally irrelevant.  

Also, the idea that healing starts in the mind, therefore, by meditating, and by strengthening the mind with Qi Gong exercises, the disease will disappear, is simply not true. 

All the martial arts experts who practiced Chinese philosophy and acupuncture, had chronic diseases until they died. Therefore, what is seen on television, and in the movies as exercises to toughen the mind for overall health, Chinese style, can still not be verified. 

What happened to Bruce Lee, the film star and martial arts expert who died from cerebral edema in 1973, continues to be a warning to those who still believe in the crappy mind over matter concept.

Here is part of the truth that TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) has not shared with the public. This truth is, TCM allows yin and yang to coexist in the person with yin pulling yang, and yang pulling yin periodically. Therefore, according to acupuncture, health is determined by how strong yin is, and how weak yang is.

The question is, how does a person who wants to heal make yin stronger, and yang weaker? The foods the Chinese eat, are not the foods that Africans, Caribbeans, Europeans, and others eat.

Since the word, “Disease” is irrelevant to Chinese philosophy, and acupuncture, people who want to be optimally healthy must know the total truth about TCM. 

Per Chinese philosophy, every sick person lives with their disease. It is believed that if a person lives with their diseases long enough, yang will eventually yield to yin. As a result, yin will become strong enough thanks to the physical exercise called Qi Gong. Then, the strength of yin will allow the person to continue to live. This explains the secret of Chinese longevity.

However, there is an extremely important fact that should not be overlooked. For the Chinese to keep staying healthy, as yin continues to dominate their systems, they must be treated with acupuncture, and with Chinese herbs. They should never be treated with pharmaceutical drugs.

What is in the pharmaceutical drugs that kills many Chinese so fast? There is alkyl in pharmaceutical drugs, and the Chinese are aware of this fact. Attend the American School of Symptometry, NFP, to learn more about alkyl.

Can Chinese herbs, and acupuncture succeed in the West? No, they cannot. It is true that acupuncture has set up shop in the West, but this does not mean they are doing well. Here is why. 

The people in the West who are receiving acupuncture, and are also receiving Chinese herbs for treatment, had a long history of treatment with pharmaceutical drugs. As a result, the Chinese herbs with which they are being treated are on a collision course with the pharmaceutical drugs that are in their systems. Obviously, such individuals will neither benefit from acupuncture nor from Chinese herbal treatment. 

A case in point was a woman who wanted the cause of the anomaly in her breast to be removed without surgery. Her objective clashed with that of her acupuncturist who was trained to disregard the source of every anomaly, and concentrate on cleaning her blood with Chinese herbs, and then, do acupuncture.

Many individuals in the West are now realizing that acupuncture, and Chinese herbs are for the Chinese. They are not for the long-time users of pharmaceutical drugs. Also, in the West, a Chinese hospital would generally cater to the Chinese; not to the patrons of pharmaceutical drugs.

Symptometry requires a commonsense scientific approach to health, and this approach entails, learning to 1) produce an enzyme surplus every day because your cells would need them to clean up your blood 2) remove garbage from your cell structures and 3) realign the genes with DNA, and DNA with the three RNAs.

Acupuncture does not remove the chalky deposits that are in our joints. It leaves them where they are. Symptometry ionizes them to end stiffness. Then, it ionizes lithiasis, tophus, and other concretions from the tissues, the organs, the tendons, etc. so that intercellular and intracellular communication can be restored.

This in-depth study of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine; their objectives, and their weaknesses, justifies the creation of Symptometry to enhance the well-being of our cells, and systems.

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