Understanding Obesity

Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP

There are all kinds of diets to help individuals who are overweight to lose weight. Then, there are all kinds of theories to support these diets, which is fine, but it is now time to explain scientifically why a person cannot lose weight or after losing weight, why they regain it.

Are carbohydrates (sugar and starch) the problem? This is what the Keto diet formulators and promoters, and the sugar haters would want people to believe. No, carbohydrates are not the problem.

Is genetics the problem? This is what the geneticists would want people to believe. No, genetics is not the problem because everyone in the family is not overweight. Genes do not cause diseases. It is a factor, a chemical or a toxic product that would disable the genes. Therefore, the problem is not the gene; it is rather the chemical that made the genes to malfunction.

Is the lack of physical exercise the cause of obesity? This is what the exercise gurus would want people to believe. No, lack of exercise is not the underlying cause of obesity because every person who does not exercise is not overweight. What then is the underlying cause of obesity?  Here is what Symptometry found.

We eat food for sustenance. Of the five food groups, saturated fat is the toughest food to digest. Why? The answer is, the hydrogen bonds that bind the fatty acids which are saturated with hydrogen atoms will not break unless a lot of hydrolase followed by thermal energy are used to smash them.

Unfortunately, thermal energy will not smash these bonds without any stimulation. The stimulation must be done by a hormone, and this hormone is called the lipotropic hormone. This is how the lipotropic hormone splits fat.

After fat has been split, the emulsification enzymes which the liver produces, will start to digest saturated fat. This will be followed by the action of pancreatic lipase, and finally, the action of intestinal lipase. In other words, digesting saturated fat is a four-step well-coordinated process involving the full participation of the pituitary gland, the liver, the pancreas, the thyroid gland and the small intestine.

Is the person’s thyroid gland healthy enough to participate in the metabolism of saturated fat? Is the liver healthy? Are the small intestine, the pancreas and the pituitary gland healthy? If they are not, obesity will not be cured. If they are healthy, the small intestine will release intestinal lipase.

It is after intestinal lipase has completed the digestive cycle of fat that fatty acids will be released to produce monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides and glycerol. Glycerol is the part of fatty acids that contains sugar. Yes, there is sugar in fat, and this sugar is called glycerol. This is why Krebs cycle and glycolysis burn fat which contains sugar in the mitochondria and in the cytosol to produce energy.

However, it is important to not confuse sugar with sucrose. Sugar is a sweetener that comes in several forms. These forms include glycerol, sugar alcohols, disaccharides and seven different kinds of monosaccharides.

Sucrose is a disaccharide like maltose and lactose. The distinction between disaccharides and sweeteners is important because the person must produce sucrase to digest sucrose, and it is the small intestine that produces sucrase.

Therefore, if a person who is overweight is also addicted to sucrose, which is in sweets, sodas, chewing gum, etc., the addiction to sweets must be solved first before turning the attention to saturated fat. Even if they chew sugarless gum, it does not mean there is no sweetener in sugarless gums.

The federal government does not classify sugar alcohol as sugar. Therefore, sugar is different from sweeteners in the eyes of the government; and sweeteners include sugar alcohols. The gum manufacturers are right in calling their products “sugarless”. What the public does not realize is, even though sugar alcohols have fewer calories, they also require enzymes to break them down to release energy. The question is, are the sugarless gum chewers producing enzymes?

If too much thermal energy is used to break down sugar alcohols, there won’t be enough thermal energy left to break down the bonds that bind the fatty acids. I am explaining how sugar addiction or the addiction to sweets can make it difficult if not impossible for a person who has a “sweet tooth” to lose weight and also cure fatty liver and hyperlipidemia.

The horror of fat globules

Many individuals cannot lose weight, or they have huge pockets of fat that have tied knots in their thighs, calves, abdomen, biceps, liver, kidneys, etc. because their system cannot complete the digestive cycle of fat. We must have fat in our body because it is good for insulation and to produce more HDL (good cholesterol) than LDL (bad cholesterol).

However, to digest fat, there are four processes that fat must go through. Unfortunately, many individuals tend to complete only one or two processes because they cannot produce enough ancillary enzymes including hydrolase. This is why they have so many triglycerides and fat globules in their systems. Also, they produce too many bad cholesterol molecules. Fat globules are not triglycerides or diglycerides. Here is the difference.

Triglycerides and diglycerides are three or two molecules of fatty acids that have been esterified to glycerol. This means, the person must produce ancillary enzymes to turn fatty acids into glycerol. What if the person cannot produce these ancillary enzymes? What will happen is, the person will produce a lot of obstructive fat globules, little HDL and little glycerol. This will set the stage for skin diseases like dry skin, dry heels, dry feet, dry scalp, eczema, psoriasis, hives, welts, etc.

After esterification, the rest of the diglycerides and triglycerides in a person who cannot produce ancillary enzymes will be stored in the adipose (fat cells) tissue. In the adipose tissue, they will conserve body heat, thereby preventing body heat from escaping. This is why diglycerides and triglycerides are excellent for insulation.

Also, this explains why a person who has a lot of triglycerides and diglycerides in their adipose tissue will not feel as cold as a person who does not have enough of them in their adipose tissue during the cold season.

The only downside of having too many diglycerides and triglycerides in their adipose tissue will, at some point, overheat outrageously. Then, if the fatty acids are mixed with extra layers of debris, they will experience hot flashes with copious sweating.

When discussing obesity, the focus should not only be on losing weight. It should also be on all the ailments associated with the inability to thoroughly digest saturated fat.

Fat globules serve no useful purpose. They are obstructionists, plain and simple. They will block the lacrimal gland to cause dry eye, burning eyes, excessive tearing, etc. They will block the canal of Schlemm to cause glaucoma; they will block the pancreatic duct to cause pancreatic disorders; and they will block the common bile duct which consists of the cystic duct and the hepatic duct to cause slow digestion, excessive flatulence or indigestion. In men, they can block the vas deferens to prevent ejaculation, thereby causing male sterility.

Furthermore, fat globules can block the renal collecting ducts to cause chronic kidney disease or acute renal failure; and the fat globules can infiltrate the macula and the retina itself to cause macular degeneration or retinal disorders.

Saturated fat is the most dangerous and the most demanding of the five food groups. This is because it requires a four-step process to thoroughly digest it. The focus on carbohydrates as the villains causing obesity has been totally misplaced and ill conceived. It is like arresting the wrong person for committing a crime when the real culprit remains on the loose.

Cysts, cystic acne, acne, and lipoma or fatty lumps, only occur in individuals who cannot thoroughly digest saturated fat. Also, cancer occurs only in individuals who cannot digest saturated fat. However, regarding cancer, a more detailed explanation would be needed.

It has been scientifically verified that fat traps carcinogens and heavy metals instead of allowing them to circulate and be eliminated. Carcinogens cause mutations by damaging DNA, and they cause gene incapacitation by making it impossible for the genes to release the blueprint to DNA.

A person does not have to be overweight to become susceptible to cancer. It is a person’s inability to thoroughly digest fat that will increase their susceptibility to cancer at any age.

Children have leukemia and other childhood cancers because they cannot produce fat emulsification enzymes and the lipotropic hormone to thoroughly digest saturated fat. The truth is finally being told about the source of childhood cancers and leukemias. There are no mystery diseases, and cancer is no exception.

We are humans, and on planet Earth, only food enzymes and ancillary enzymes will make us healthy. Unfortunately, this fact about enzymes is not being taught in any school except at the American School of Symptometry, NFP. The focus on diet makes absolutely no sense. Then, taking plant enzymes will never reverse a person’s enzyme deficit. Here is why.

Plant enzymes are for the plants. They are not for humans because human DNA was not involved in their production.

Disqualification from healthy longevity

I have never seen a person who is 80 years-old, 90 years-old, 100 years-old, etc. and is overweight. Why? It turns out that it is fatty degeneration of the heart and the kidneys, as well as fatty liver that will make it impossible for an overweight person or even a slim person who cannot digest saturated fat, to have a long life.

Also, obesity prevents a person from aging gracefully. Therefore, if a person wants to age gracefully, it will be in their best interest to start digesting saturated fat efficiently so that fat globules do not cause any obstructions in their body.

A person can lose weight and become trim or slim, but this does not mean they do not have fatty liver, fatty degeneration of the kidneys, fatty degeneration of the heart, fluid retention in the retina, and so on and so forth.

Losing weight is one thing and thoroughly digesting saturated fat is another. Many individuals lost weight under different weight loss programs, but they developed varicose veins, spider veins, heart murmur, frequent palpitation, overproduction of mucus, drooling, excessively dry skin and so on and so forth. The reason they have these collateral ailments is, their weight loss program was lopsided.

The fact of the matter is, every person who is trying to lose weight also has other physiological, mental and biological needs. Why ignore their other needs and focus only on weight loss?

The Symptometry approach

Symptometry’s weight shedding program is not only based on scientific eating. It is remarkably comprehensive because the person who is overweight also has skin, digestive, eliminative, emotional, hormonal and other concerns, which, if not addressed, will make it extremely difficult, if not impossible to reverse obesity.

For example, a person who is overweight also suffers from sleep apnea, frequent hunger, asthma, insomnia, acid reflux aka GERD, psoriasis or eczema, frequent palpitation, frequent hiccupping or belching, bloating, gassiness, irritability, lack of focus, sugar craving, etc. Unless the underlying causes of these other ailments or concerns are removed, recovery will be delayed or completely thwarted. Why?

A person is an integrated, interdependent, and interrelated biological existence. Therefore, if the needs of all the parts in disrepair are not satisfied, the parts that are being ignored during the treatment will sabotage the healing effort. People always wonder why they cannot lose weight. They should stop wondering. They now have the facts.

When trying to lose weight, stress, traumas, and depression should never be underestimated. They release the kind of negative energy that breaks up serotonin, the healing neurotransmitter. A person who does not have serotonin, and cannot produce it, will not heal. Plain and simple.

People who claim on TV that in six weeks, they lost 50 lbs., 70 lbs., etc. are not sharing with the public what their other unresolved concerns are.

Symptometry’s weight shedding approach is comprehensive and well balanced. This is why it keeps producing amazing results.

There is a particulate for excessive hunger, and for the addiction to sweets; and it works because it hydrolyzes the debris that is on the hypothalamus. Why should a person have stomach surgery to lose weight when the root of frequent hunger is not in the stomach? It is in the hypothalamus.

Why eat foods that won’t enable the pituitary gland to produce the lipotropic hormone? Why eat foods that won’t allow the liver to produce emulsification enzymes, the pancreas to produce pancreatic lipase and the small intestine to produce intestinal lipase? These are the simple questions that remind us to never lose sight of the importance of hormones and enzymes in weight shedding.

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