A Word About Breast Health

Many do not get the proper education when it comes to their breasts. Symptometry begins the breast health conversation by focusing on the epithelium. What is epithelium?


An epithelium is a covering layer. The layer that covers the skin of the breast is called simple squamous epithelium.

Every structure (duct, lobe, lobule, etc.) in the breast is covered by a layer (epithelium). The breast is extremely dense and tightly packed with fatty tissue, capillaries, lymphatic vessels, and glands. For this reason, we should not allow ourselves to be distracted by the enormity, density, or complexity of the breast. To get to the source of all breast problems, it is advisable to focus on the word, “Epithelium”.

Epitheliums are mostly made of water, salt, and oil. Oil and water do not mix, and yet our cells add salt to them to produce an epithelium. Since epithelium does not last, epithelial cells must replace epithelial tissue every week or two. Diffusion is the only mechanism by which epithelium can renew itself.


Epithelial cells receive nutrients and resources, and they eliminate waste via diffusion. This makes diffusion a process, and it is the branches of energy called force, power, strength, and pressure that facilitate the process of tissue renewal.

Then, the red bone marrow must produce lymphocytes to break down lymph and destroy bacteria, viruses, etc. while the macrophages in the breast remove sludge. It is important to emphasize that antibiotics destroy macrophages, leaving the woman without macrophages in her breasts.

Therefore, for a woman’s breasts to remain healthy throughout her life, it’s important to ensure that lymphocytes and macrophages are constantly working and that diffusion is taking place in both breasts. The following anomalies indicate the failure of diffusion and macrophage activities:

  1. Breast pain due to fibrocystic changes
  2. Swollen breast
  3. Abscess in the breast
  4. Boil in the breast
  5. Lump in the breast due to fibrocystic changes in the breast. A lump in the breast does not necessarily mean the breast is cancerous.
  6. Breast oozing pus
  7. Breast oozing milk when the woman is not pregnant
  8. Breast oozing fluid
  9. Breast is tender
  10. Nipples are sore
  11. Nipples ooze blood
  12. The quality of breast milk is so poor that the baby refuses to suck it
  13. Itchy breast
  14. Ulcer on the breast
  15. Ulcers on the nipples
  16. Itchy nipples
  17. Cyst aka fibroadenoma in the breast
  18. Calcification in the breast
  19. Extremely large breasts
  20. Tiny breasts
  21. Breast milk is not flowing to breastfeed the baby

Blaming estrogen for breast problems is misguided. The real culprits when it comes to poor breast health are excess fat and poor diffusion.

A woman could be slim and have breast problems because of excess fat and poor diffusion in her breasts. Another woman can be obese and not have breast problems because of the small amount of fat in her breasts. Therefore, slimness and obesity, or even a woman’s estrogen levels cannot be meaningful criteria for determining the health of a woman’s breasts.

To produce estrogen, estradiol, and progesterone, a woman must have enough good cholesterol, not bad cholesterol. Hence, the importance of HDL (high-density lipoprotein) in a woman.

Unfortunately, diffusion faces three major problems: a) saturated fat b) alcohol, and c) pressure.

Foods to avoid

Regular butter, unsalted butter, margarine, nuts, tallow (beef fat and lamb fat), and lard (pork fat) are rich in saturated fat. These are the foods that a woman who wants to have healthy breasts should avoid.

Consuming sources of saturated fat can increase one’s production of bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) which raises the risk of breast problems. Also, saturated fat causes so much drag and resistance that toxic metals tend to be trapped in fatty tissue, causing susceptibility to tumors or cancer.


What does alcohol do? There are toxic metals in alcohol because the copper, and other metals with which the fermenting vessel is made, leach into the alcohol during fermentation. Then, the fermented acetaldehyde in alcohol denatures the consumer’s enzymes.

For example, fermented acetaldehyde will denature pancreatic lipase and intestinal lipase which digest fat. It is the thorough digestion of fat that prevents fat globules from being found in the blood. Also, the thorough digestion of fat prevents fat globules from accumulating around organs to cause fatty liver, fatty degeneration of the kidneys, etc. If fat globules are found in the retina, they can cause all kinds of retinal disorders. This is why Symptometry does not recommend that a woman who wants to have healthy breasts consume alcohol.

Since the breast is a fat storehouse, steps must be taken to prevent fat from interfering with the activities of connective tissue and glandular tissue in the breast. It is fat’s interference with glandular tissue that marks the beginning of a woman’s breast problems.


Changes in atmospheric pressure during bad weather, changes in pressure deep in the ocean, or at an extremely high altitude, and stress can also stop diffusion in a woman’s breast.

Therefore, going to a hospital for a scheduled breast exam or for breast screening without knowing what it takes to have healthy breasts is no longer acceptable. Women must know why they have anomalies in their breasts, and what they can do to prevent or reverse such anomalies.

Percentage of fat in a healthy body

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, one-third of our body must be made of fat.

The question is, is the fat the person has been consuming the right one or the wrong one? It is their bad cholesterol numbers that will provide the answer.

Elevated bad cholesterol that goes on for years should never be taken lightly. It is a harbinger of the worst thing to come such as fatty liver, fatty degeneration of the kidneys, fatty degeneration of the heart, fat in the red bone marrow causing bone marrow failure, etc.

We need fat in our bodies because it is our major source of energy. Also, fat allows our hypothalamus to properly regulate our body’s temperature. There is a lot of fat between our skin and our bones. During skin surgery, fat is seen immediately after the hypodermis. Our buttocks, thighs, calves, soles, heels, etc. are packed with fat. Had fat not been in our buttocks, we would have been sitting on our bones.

Types of fat

There are three types of fat: monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat, and saturated fat. Studies that were done on eggs give us an idea about the different amounts of fat in yolk.

For instance, there is only 28% saturated fat in yolk, which is close to one-third of the fat content. The rest of the fat (over 70%) is monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, meaning good fat to produce hormones.

Humans are also supposed to have only about 28% of saturated fat. Yet, those who eat nuts, butter, and foods cooked with tallow or lard often have 70% saturated fat and only 30% monounsaturated fat. Such ratios are the reverse of what they are supposed to have and, unfortunately, this is not healthy.

The difference between humans and animals is that we humans are not supposed to have fat in our epitheliums, retina, blood, and around our organs. It is animals that are supposed to have fat in their muscles and in their organs, and this is because they live in the wild at the mercy of the elements. We live in houses. Therefore, animals need ten times more insulation than we do.

The breast is not muscle mass. It is mostly fatty tissue. It is so dense that it may take some women 20 to 50  years to feel an anomaly in their left or right breast. Therefore, assuming that nothing abnormal is happening in the breast may not be a fair assessment of what is happening below the surface with regard to epithelium, lymphocytes, and macrophages. Anomalies are cumulative. Most anomalies take decades to rise to the surface to be felt or noticed.

Had diffusion been taking place in the different epitheliums that line the ducts, lobes, lobules, etc., of the breast, a lump or pain would not have been felt in the breast.

Pharmaceutical drugs, herbs, changes in diet, and drinking a lot of water have never jumpstarted diffusion in the epitheliums. Therefore, if the anomalies in a woman’s breast are being targeted for treatment such as what happens during radiation or chemotherapy, the underlying causes of the anomalies, which are lack of diffusion and the absence of lymphocytes, and macrophages, will be missed completely.

Therefore, the best advice is to frequently jumpstart diffusion in the different epitheliums of the breast and make macrophages available. It is this habit that will enable the breast to self-correct and self-heal.

The idea that breast disease runs in the family is no longer acceptable. Women are now, thanks to Symptometry, getting a better education about their breasts than they have ever had.

Subatomic particles provide epithelium with strength, power, force, and pressure to jumpstart diffusion in order to prevent breast anomalies. These subatomic particles are available at Symptometry.  It is better and cheaper to prevent breast anomalies than to cure them.

~ Dr. Maxwell Nartey, Professor of Symptometric Science at the American School of Symptometry, NFP, International Center for Health Education and Scientific Enlightenment

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