The Falsehoods About Garlic

Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP

World Center for Health Education and Scientific Enlightenment

I studied naturopathy and botany where garlic is highly recommended as a natural cure for hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, high blood pressure, inflammation, infections, poor circulation, cough, spasms, cramps, and low blood pressure. 

I had a brother-in-law who consumed a lot of garlic with the belief that it would cure his high blood pressure, poor circulation causing neuropathy, and hypercholesterolemia. 

For more than 20 years he was consuming garlic copiously without result, and until it became a habit. The most disheartening part of the story was that he developed a tumor in his soft palate. The tumor grew to the point where it had to be surgically removed, but it regrew. Here are my questions.

What does a “natural cure” mean? Is it because our ancestors used garlic to treat the symptoms of their diseases that we should also do likewise and repeat their mistakes? Every person who eats garlic or cooks with garlic is sick. Garlic is not curing their diseases, and yet, they continue to eat it.

How does garlic kill bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi, or prevent an infection? My botany professor could not answer my question. Also, all the books that were recommended for reading never addressed this question.

How does garlic reverse a low platelet count or a low white blood cell count? How does garlic assist the adrenal cortex in producing cortisol to end an inflammation? How does garlic lower blood pressure and raise blood pressure when it is too low? Again, all these questions went unanswered.

Why does a person cough, and how does garlic stop a chronic cough? Where is the evidence that garlic cures diseases? Such evidence does not exist, not even with the modern naturopaths trained at Bastyr University, USA.

My brother-in-law could not close his mouth because the tumor made it impossible for him to close his mouth, and even eat. He drooled day and night until he died without curing his high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, neuropathy, and so on and so forth. Indeed, it was a horrible way to die.

I am aware of the downside of pharmaceutical drugs, and I am also aware of the downside of the herbs that are used for treatment.

As a scientist, I would like to know how things work so that I can also confirm their mechanics. I have nothing against garlic. If I have scientific evidence that it works, I will promote it, but the evidence is lacking.

Garlic is in the botanical database. I just want to confirm that all that has been said about it is true. If I cannot confirm the attributes or the properties of garlic, and chromatography cannot confirm these attributes, then, they are false because they lack credibility.

Here is what chromatography uncovered in garlic. Garlic has the following:

  1. Glycosides
  2. Glyoxylic acid
  3. Allicin, an oil with antibacterial properties
  4. Vitamin C
  5. Zinc
  6. Copper
  7. Magnesium
  8. Carotene
  9. Water
  10. Lysine
  11. Threonine

There are 8 electrolytes. Garlic has only one electrolyte, which is magnesium. This means that garlic is not built for speed. Every essential that circulates in the blood must move at the speed of light (185,000 miles per second). It is because garlic has allicin (an oil) which is not built for speed that garlic slows things down instead of speeding them up. No wonder garlic causes drag in the consumer.

Drag prevents human cells from dividing fast and it prevents cell repair from being done quickly. This is because in drag there is tension, resistance, and friction. A person who has hypertension already has tension in their arteries, capillaries, and arterioles. Why eat garlic? Garlic can never cure hypertension because it generates too much tension in the arteries.

Garlic does not have calcium, the electrolyte that facilitates cell division by the two enzymes called kinase and cyclin. Therefore, the absence of calcium induces slow cell division, and slow cell division makes a person susceptible to tumors. No wonder garlic eaters have tumors, or they become fertile grounds for tumors.

Magnesium produces heat. Therefore, it is because garlic has a lot of magnesium that it is a hot spice, and it burns the tongue and the throat.

To verify that garlic has antibacterial properties, I recommended garlic capsules to women who were diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis. They took these capsules for six weeks. Nothing changed. 

I also recommended garlic capsules to a man whose blood tests showed an abnormally low white blood cell count. After three months of treatment, his blood test results were extremely disappointing. His white blood cell count was lower than it has ever been. I was puzzled, to say the least.

What is in garlic that allows the thymus gland to mature the T cells? Nothing. This means garlic has nothing to enable the thymus gland to produce thymic hormones to mature the T cells. Therefore, garlic cannot cure infections. Can garlic cure bacterial pneumonia? No, it cannot. Can it cure tuberculosis? No, it cannot. Can it cure ear infections? No, it cannot.

What is in garlic that allows the kidneys to produce the hormone called erythropoietin? Nothing. Without a hormonal stimulation by erythropoietin, the stem cells in the red bone marrow cannot produce different lines of white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin, and platelets. This explains why the man’s white blood cell count was lower than it has ever been. 

Therefore, the man I was treating with garlic supplements to reverse his low white blood cell count got absolutely nothing from garlic. I had to use the molecules I formulated, and particulates to improve his numbers. I did likewise for the woman who was suffering from bacterial vaginosis.

How can garlic be an anti-inflammatory product when there is nothing in it to stimulate the production of cortisol in the adrenal cortex? I want proof that garlic works, but there is none.

I avoid using pharmaceutical drugs because I have products that repair DNA and enhance cell nourishment to clear anomalies in a person. Drugs do not repair DNA, and they do not nourish the cells.  Moreover, they have what damages DNA and the cells. I know what these substances are, and my advanced students also know what they are.

I do not take vaccines because I know how to assist my cells to produce interferons to kill all viruses. Secondly, I do my best to always comply with the pH rule, the rules of health, and the laws of physics. This is how I teach the prevention of infectious diseases and inflammatory diseases. Covid can come and go, it will never infect me because I do not have its growth factors.

I do not take antibiotics even when my dentist prescribes them because I know how to get the stem cells in my red bone marrow to produce robust T cells that mature in the thymus gland in less than four hours. I will never recommend herbs to anyone and for any treatment because herbs are molecules, and our cells do not use molecules because they are too big.

A person who knows what should be done to protect their DNA from harm; knows how to remove garbage and blockages from their cells and nourish their cells would need a physician once a year for a clinical test. If this test uncovers red flags, symptometric science knows exactly what to do to reverse the anomalies. 

I studied botany. Then, I did deconstructive research in laboratories for years to know what else is in the herbs that we were not told. This was how I discovered a treasure trove of information about different herbs and therapeutic flowers such as hibiscus and marigold.

Regarding garlic, there is nothing therapeutic about it. It is a spice that has become a folklore hoopla. I may also add that it is a spice that may predispose the consumer to tumors. 

The idea that Hippocrates used garlic, tormentil, onions, ginger, etc. for natural healing is simply not true. These herbs must be independently evaluated on their own merits. What does natural healing mean? Should using home remedies for natural healing be compared to treatment with chemicals, specifically pharmaceutical drugs? There are emergencies that require the use of pharmaceutical drugs and medical intervention, but such instances are rare, especially among people who know how to protect their DNA from harm.

Hippocrates never existed in real life. He was a mythical figure that the ancient Greeks fabricated. All the teachings and quotes that were attributed to Hippocrates cannot be confirmed until this day. They were made up.

However, Socrates, Aristotle, and Euripides existed, and documents have confirmed their existence as well as the names of their wives and children. Public records do exist for the purpose of verification.

© Copyright 2022, The American School of Symptometry, NFP. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of The American School of Symptometry, NFP. Library of Congress copyright number Txu 1-621-370, Washington D.C.

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