The Total Truth About Corn That Must Be Told

Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP

World Center for Health Education and Scientific Enlightenment

Corn is the staple food of many countries.  According to Agrivi, an agronomic company for farm management, “As a staple food, corn is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, carbohydrates and essential minerals. Corn grains are also a good source of energy, rich in dietary fiber and calories. However, a heavy reliance on corn in the diet can lead to malnutrition and vitamin deficiency diseases” This is what is generally said about corn. 

Why “can the main reliance on con in the diet lead to malnutrition, and vitamin deficiency diseases”? The Agrivi researchers failed to disclose the reason corn is so destructive.

Since no nutritionist, and agronomist is ready and willing to discuss the dangers of corn, I will share with the world what chromatography says about corn.

Corn is acidic and poisonous. Chromatographic research confirms the presence of the poison called cyanide in corn.

As a poison, cyanide denatures enzymes in a person. It is enzymes that accelerate thousands of biochemical reactions so that our eleven systems can function optimally.

For example, helicase is the enzyme that unwinds DNA so that DNA can transmit the blueprint to the three RNAs. Cyanide will denature helicase, and make it worthless. DNA polymerase is the enzyme that repairs DNA, and restores the ATGC sequence. Cyanide will denature it, thereby making the repair of every fragmented DNA impossible.

Additionally, sucrase is the enzyme that facilitates the digestion of sucrose so that many monosaccharides are released after digestion, thereby preventing diabetes, hyperglycemia, and hypoglycemia. Cyanide will denature sucrase, thereby making it impossible for the DNAs in the pancreas to harness monosaccharides to produce insulin. 

Also, denaturing sucrase, maltase and lactase prevents the adrenal cortex from adding HDL to the monosaccharides in order to produce cortisol. It is cortisol that regulates blood glucose between meals; and prevents inflammation by neutralizing inflammatory debris. Many individuals are given Prednisone shots because they cannot produce cortisol.

Why do corn eaters become pre-diabetic, diabetic, or they give birth to children who suffer from juvenile diabetes? No one could offer a cogent explanation to shed light on the underlying cause of juvenile diabetes. This discussion now offers the cogent explanation mankind has been waiting for.

There is another problem about corn that must be known by all. At a pH of 4.5, corn is acidic. It is because it is acidic that its hydrogen ions cause ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. It is these tiny ulcers that make a corn eater susceptible to acid reflux, and to ulcers in the colons. If these colon ulcers become inflamed, the person will have ulcerative colitis.

Is there a connection between the food a person eats very often, and their disease? Yes, there is, and I just proved it. No disease is a mystery.

Corn is problematic on two fronts. On the one hand, it is loaded with cyanide. On the other hand, it is acidic. High acidity will cause acidosis, and acidosis will weaken the nerves in the gastrointestinal tract to cause frequent belching, bloating, gassiness and frequent flatulence.

Considering the above, is corn the kind of food that a health-conscious person should be eating? No, it is not unless the person produces the enzyme called TST (thiosulfate sulfur transferase). 

It is TST that digests corn in its entirety and neutralizes its acidity. Koalas that feed on the cyanide-laden eucalyptus, produce a lot of TST. How many humans produce TST? Probably, one in 5 million, and this is because we are not koalas.

Why is malaria endemic in the corn-producing areas of the world? Why do the women who ate corn during their pregnancy give birth to children who will have many chronic diseases, and I used to be one of these children? The answer to both questions is, cyanide in corn is, and shall always remain an enzyme destroyer.

One may argue that the Aztecs and the Polynesians were corn eaters, but they lived. Yes, they lived, but none of them was healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

TPP (Thiamine pyrophosphate) is the enzyme that accelerates the production of acetylcholine for memory, alertness, mental sharpness, mental clarity, mathematics, wakefulness, intelligence, etc. Were the Aztecs and the Polynesians producing TPP and acetylcholine? If they did, what did they invent? They carved canoes from trees, and that was the only invention that still stands to their credit. It is because they could not produce acetylcholine that the Aztecs routinely sacrificed humans. 

Cyanide in corn makes it impossible for a person to produce acetylcholine; and this is a fact that the whole world must know about a person who eats cyanide-laden foods, and cannot produce TST.

Another observation I made, whose importance should not be diminished by any means is, most supercentenarian do not, or did not eat corn. All the corn eaters became paralyzed before age 102. 

How many supercentenarians are there in the world? It is estimated that there are fewer than 1,500, and those who celebrate their 110 birthday do not eat corn. 

What makes them avoid corn? Their intuition. This means their intuition is as good as chromatographic analysis. They stay away from anything that does not make them feel well, and they are so self-disciplined that they will never eat that item again.

Native Americans, Mexicans, and South Americans do eat corn, and it is because they cannot produce TST to neutralize cyanide that they all have chronic degenerative diseases.

I am originally from Ghana, West Africa. Eating the cyanide-laden foods made me so sick for three decades that I vowed not to eat them again. I ionized cyanide from my systems, I repaired my DNAs, I cook, eat and live scientifically, no vaccinations, and no pharmaceutical drugs, and I am the most vibrant and optimally healthy person on planet earth at age 71 and counting. 

For those of you who do not know it, corn is a test crop. It was meant to grow on this planet to test our earth smartness. Apparently, corn eaters have clearly demonstrated that they are not earth smart. This is why they are denied optimal health at every twist and turn. 

Corn happens to be only one source of cyanide. The other sources are:

  1. Eucalyptus
  2. Pear
  3. Cherries
  4. Cassava
  5. Lima Beans
  6. Apricot
  7. Peach and 
  8. Plum

As a poison, cyanide denies a person optimal health. Let the unvarnished truth about corn be told so that people stop allowing themselves to be misled by the corn promoters and the corn sellers. 

Even cattle that are fed corn become so sick that antibiotics and hormones must be mixed with their feed to make them marginally healthy before they are slaughtered for the market. If corn is not healthy for humans, what makes it healthy for cattle?

Chickens that are fed corn become the repository of all kinds of viruses. Chickens do not produce the enzyme called TST to neutralize cyanide. This is why cyanide poisons them to the point where their immune system collapses. Chickens live with viruses until they die.

Now, we have reached a point where meat is not safe to eat, and chickens are also not safe to eat. What should we do to make meat and chickens safe to eat? To the best of my knowledge, no cook on this planet has devised a cooking method to make meats and chicken safe to eat. The good news is, the American School of Symptometry, NFP, has done the unthinkable by devising such a method.

Is becoming a vegan or a vegetarian the solution? No, not by a stretch. Vegans and vegetarians have plant diseases grafted upon their red bone marrows, internal organs, and skins. Additionally, most vegans and vegetarians are chronically anemic because they cannot produce plasma transferrin to circulate hematin. The solution to this earth’s drama is, scientific cooking, eating, and living, and knowing where all the boobytraps are.

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