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I have been a client of Dr. Nartey since 2014. I found Dr. Nartey on the Coach Khayr Podcast. I ran a Google search on fibroids and was reading and listening to many topics on fibroids. Something in me knew there was another way to heal other than having a complete hysterectomy. As I listened to Dr. Nartey on the podcast, something in me knew he was speaking the truth. I was willing to take the risk. I called his office and scheduled a 15-minute consultation.

Dr. Nartey asked me if I ate strawberries. I was consuming strawberries every morning in smoothies I would prepare for my breakfast. I was seeing a nutritionist monthly and this was her recommendation.

What was it about eating strawberries? He asked me if I had inflammation in my ankles. As I thought about his question, my response was yes, I do have inflammation in my ankles. Of course, I did not have the knowledge at the time to know that inflammation in my ankles was a reflective symptom of eating strawberries.

By the end of our consultation, I felt there was a way to help my body heal without going through major surgeries. Surgery was the choice my internist and gynecologist recommended. Dr. Nartey assured me he could help me and begin to rebuild my body. My commitment was to discontinue eating strawberries.

As I reflect on our initial consultation, I understand more about what I was consuming and how it was making my condition worst. Strawberries were one of the problems. Tomatoes were another problem. Eating strawberries were a problem because of several reasons:

  1. The red color in strawberries.
  2. The many seeds in strawberries.
  3. Strawberries, like other fruits, are the waste product of the plant.
  4. The time in which I was consuming the strawberries were outside of the timeframe to consume fruits.
  5. Then I was mixing the strawberries with orange juice, yogurt, and ice.
  6. I was consuming something raw.

I was blending the strawberries, orange juice, yogurt, and ice together into a beverage I was consuming prior to 11am. As I look back, I was ignorant about quantum physics. I was causing disturbances in my cells.

Many days my breakfast consists of celery soup with puree ginger, and cayenne pepper. About once per week, I consume Symptometry broccoli.

I have not fully healed from fibroids. However, I no longer consume strawberries, orange juice, and very rarely do I consume yogurt. If I consume yogurt, I follow the recipe for symptometric yogurt. Mixing the ingredients into a smoothie is against scientific principles I’ve learned as a self-coach. I no longer mix multiple fruits together.

Following many of the principles have resulted in my having significantly reduced inflammation in my body. My recovery time after my menses has reduced. Symptometry is not magic, it is sound scientific principles. I am alive today because of Dr. Nartey’s knowledge and teachings. My body has been in recovery since 2014. I am truly grateful.