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Munira Grinnage

March 10, 2021

Hello Dr. Nartey, 

I hope all is well.

I just want to thank you so much for helping me to live again. Not only just live, but live the life the way I was intended to live. 

Most Drs will give you scare tactics and not listen to what you are saying. However, you educated me and put a fire underneath me to understand what is going on within my body. 

Just by following the nutrition guide alone, I’ve seen a significant improvement. I have gone from 188lbs down to 166.8 lbs. The swelling in my legs has gone down to the point where I can walk and do more ADLs with ease. 

I can only imagine with your medication the significant improvement I will have. I actually like the nutrition plan. Though at first it was strict, I am more creative now. I don’t crave the bad carbs etc. My skin is glowing and I actually look younger. 

Thank you again for helping me save my life, 

Munira Grinnage