Pregnancy Management

Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science

American School of Symptometry, NFP


Every person produces sludge, a mixture of debris and wastewater.

Sludge from the mother infiltrates her baby’s body parts and stays there. The parts that accumulate more sludge will be among the first parts to produce symptoms that will be felt by the mother during the gestation period.

Gestational symptoms vary from baby to baby. However, the common ones that translate into the mother’s symptoms are:

  1. Constipation during pregnancy
  2. Diarrhea during pregnancy
  3. Hemorrhoids during pregnancy
  4. Aches and pains during pregnancy
  5. Swollen sole of the foot during pregnancy, as if she is walking on cushions
  6. Swollen and puffy ankles during pregnancy
  7. Toothache during pregnancy
  8. Loose tooth or teeth during pregnancy
  9. The tongue has a white coating
  10. Swollen feet during pregnancy
  11. Loss of appetite during pregnancy
  12. Abnormal cravings during pregnancy (chocolate, tea, coffee, peppermint, sweets, chalk, charcoal, paper, woodchips, lead in pencils, crayons, clay, wine, liquor, ice cream, yogurt, cheese, pecans, almonds, cashews, peanuts, etc.)
  13. Habit of chewing ice, which started before conception and now is worse
  14. Inability to digest certain foods during pregnancy, but was eating and enjoying these foods when she was not pregnant
  15. Vomits after drinking water; prefers soda
  16. Breast abscess during pregnancy
  17. Boils during pregnancy
  18. Loss of libido during pregnancy
  19. Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy
  20. Hair loss during pregnancy and after childbirth
  21. Hypertension during pregnancy
  22. Moodiness
  23. Anger or irritability
  24. Snappishness
  25. Frequent headaches
  26. Morning sickness (nausea and vomiting)
  27. Constant nausea and vomiting throughout the day in the first trimester, sometimes progressing to the second trimester, with some women vomiting periodically in the third trimester.
  28. Coughing
  29. Allergies during pregnancy and after childbirth
  30. Herpes prior to conception
  31. Yeast infection prior to conception and during the pregnancy
  32. Gonorrhea prior to conception and during the pregnancy
  33. Coughing causing a miscarriage
  34. Severe uterine and abdominal cramps causing a miscarriage
  35. Motion sickness during pregnancy, sometimes causing a miscarriage
  36. Constant salivation and spitting throughout the pregnancy
  37. Intolerance of odors: she can’t stand onions, peppers, roses, perfume, cologne, etc.
  38. Exhaustion. Sometimes, the exhaustion is so severe that bedrest is advised
  39. Elevated temperature indicating sepsis
  40. Mucus in the throat is tough to detach, causing hawking and sometimes vomiting
  41. Short sleep; cannot sleep for more than 3 hours
  42. Restless light sleep: hears the toilet flushing, is aware that a bedroom door is opening and closing, hears footsteps, etc.
  43. Abnormally violent behavior of the fetus in the womb
  44. Frequent shortness of breath

If the mother does not find a Symptometry doctor who can ionize sludge and concretions to end her pregnancy-related symptoms and relieve the baby’s symptoms, the sludge and concretions will spread and cause postpartum symptoms in her and neonatal ailments in her baby.

For thousands of years, gestational symptoms were misconstrued as normal, even by many gynecologists. They are not normal by any stretch and would never have happened if the pregnant woman were under Symptometric care in the pregnancy management program.

Some pregnant women produce prolactin and colostrum, but because of the large amount of sludge and calcification in their lactiferous glands, they cannot produce breast milk to breastfeed their babies, compelling them to resort to bottle feeding with its attendant risks, especially indigestion and colic.

The emphasis on prenatal supplements and eating greens, fruits, and vegetables during pregnancy is overblown and misses the point.

The point or the truth is that folic acid will not enter the cells of the baby’s spine, and calcium will also not enter many cells to prevent spina bifida and bone or joint malnourishment if the baby cannot produce permease enzymes.

The baby’s spine and other bones will continue to have problems if the mother’s thyroid gland’s C cells cannot produce enough calcitonin, and her parathyroid gland cannot produce PTH to regulate calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus intake by the spinal bones and other bones.

Pregnancy is not just about testing positive for pregnancy and eating all kinds of foods, taking questionable prenatal supplements, scheduling gynecological visits, and hoping for the best. Most women got it all wrong, and unfortunately, they got this wrong conception about pregnancy from their mothers or grandmothers. It is time to turn the corner and head in the right direction.

Importance of permease enzymes

What do permease enzymes do? They modify the structure of every nutrient so that they can get folic acid and other nutrients into thousands of spinal cells and prevent calcification. However, it is too late if calcification has already occurred on the spine’s plasma membrane.

No matter the amount of calcium and folic acid the pregnant woman takes, these nutrients will not penetrate the baby’s spinal cells, causing the child to be born with spina bifida or walking problems. Many toddlers crawl late or walk late because they do not have strong back, leg, and thigh muscles. Most of them were in breech position in their mothers’ wombs, compelling a C-section.

Baby girls who are born with calcification in their breast buds will develop tiny breasts because the calcification will prevent the growth hormone from stimulating further cell division in their breasts. The same can be said of boys with calcified testicles and undescended testicles, boys and girls with calcified beta cells in their pancreas, a calcified pineal gland, a calcified pituitary gland, and so on.

Why are some cells on lockdown while others are not?

The answer is randomization.

To prevent randomization from occurring in the baby’s body, kinase and cyclin enzymes, phospholipase enzymes, DNA polymerase, RNA polymerase, and helicase must always be in the baby. Otherwise, expect calcification to occur, followed by cell lockdown and randomization. This is an intrinsic part of the law of reproduction, and it cannot be changed.

Unfortunately, no one, not even our parents, knew about this law until the inception of Symptometry’s pregnancy management program and the teachings of Symptometric Science.

Under randomization, confusion reigns supreme in the baby’s body, causing the trophoblast to break the rules of construction and connection.

The trophoblast is the baby builder. It works with ribosomal RNA and helicase. If helicase is denatured or deactivated, it will not unwind DNA. Find out from a Class A Symptometry coach what denaturing or deactivation means.

Genetic and chromosomal disorders

DNA contains genes and chromosomes. It must unwind and unzip to expose the genes so that they can transmit the blueprint to messenger RNA, then transfer RNA, and finally, ribosomal RNA. Therefore, getting DNA stuck will silence the genes, causing a genetic or chromosomal disorder.

If a genetic disease runs in the family it is because all those who have it denatured or deactivated helicase, something they should never have done. Since ignorance is no excuse, they must live with the consequences.

Because the baby cannot produce enough permease enzymes, the trillions of cells that have permeases stationed in front of them will modify nutrients and get them into the cytoplasm of each one of these trillion cells, causing the trillions of cells without permeases to remain calcified and on lockdown.

According to physiologists, every person is made of at least 75 trillion cells. Of this number, how many are calcified and on lockdown, and where are these calcified cells?

The baby can look normal at birth, but the anomalies will begin to manifest a few days or months later.

Abdominal hernia, inguinal hernia, hiatal hernia, or umbilical hernia, asthma, eye disorders, deafness, heart anomalies, kidney anomalies, bladder anomalies, scrotal anomalies, vaginal anomalies, epididymis anomalies, ovarian anomalies, uterine anomalies, colon anomalies, frequent headaches, deformities, etc., will occur in babies with trillions of cells on lockdown. When trillions of cells are calcified, and on lockdown, the trophoblast cannot complete its work and produce an optimally healthy baby. This is just not possible.


Until the baby can talk or point to what he or she wants, crying is its only means of communication to signal pain, inflammation, colic, cramps, spasms, indigestion, bloating, headaches, insomnia, infection, sepsis, etc. Sludge and concretions compel the body to produce these symptoms.

Instead of rocking the baby, singing to it, taking the baby for a car ride while figuring out what it needs, find out first if it needs a diaper change or when it was last fed or given water. Enzyme production should be the next action required of the parent.

Enzyme production

Breast milk, bottled milk, and water require enzymes to digest them. Provide the baby with PAVODILA. The mother is also advised to take this particulate regularly.

In the baby, PAVODILA speeds up the production of kinase, cyclin, phospholipase, helicase, and digestive and ancillary enzymes.

The ancillary enzymes ionize sludge, debris, concretions, entanglements, etc., blocking the circulation of nutrients and resources to the liver, gallbladder, cells of the two intestines, muscle groups, etc. Therefore, giving the baby PAVODILLA prevents or reverses:

  1. Abdominal discomfort and pain
  2. Non-production of neurotransmitters (enkephalin, endorphin, and substance P for pain, causing frequent crying, serotonin for calmness and patience, epinephrine for alertness, norepinephrine for tolerance and relaxation, acetylcholine for intelligence, smartness, memory, good and sound judgment, good behavior, and reasonable action and reaction, dopamine for courage, risk-taking, adventurism, inventions, futurism, reasonable fearlessness and trailblazing, creativity and ingenuity, etc.)
  3. Non-production of hormones (cortisol for inflammation, melatonin for sleep, thyroid hormones for food metabolism, parathyroid hormone for calcitonin, growth hormone for cell division and growth and development management regarding height, breast size for females, properly calibrated hormone production for male or female, gonadotropic-releasing hormone, lipotropic hormone to properly split fat for digestion by pancreatic and intestinal lipases, insulin and glucagon production for glucose assimilation and metabolism, calibrated testosterone production for male or female, melanotropin production, calibrated estrogen production with more for females and less for males, etc.)
  4. Indigestion
  5. Convulsions
  6. Constipation
  7. Frequent whining
  8. Vexation or anger and irritability
  9. Snappishness
  10. Impatience
  11. Mistrust
  12. Irresolution
  13. Abdominal or intestinal cramps causing colic
  14. Periodic green and slimy stools
  15. Bright yellow stools
  16. Anal fissures
  17. Mucus stools
  18. Diarrhea during dentition, starting in a few months
  19. Undigested food in the stool
  20. Urination disorders
  21. Jaundice
  22. Dry cough
  23. Asthma and more

In the mother, PAVODILLA prevents or reverses:

  1. Postpartum disorders
  2. Hemorrhoids
  3. Anal fissures
  4. Constipation
  5. UTI
  6. Bloating
  7. Gassiness and unnecessary flatulence
  8. Frequent urge to urinate due to the distension of the uterus and bladder during the pregnancy and relaxation of the bladder’s sphincter
  9. Protruding abdomen, especially after losing elastin due to stretching of the abdominal muscles to accommodate the baby
  10. Abdominal cramps
  11. Calf cramps and pain

Calcification has been mankind’s main problem for thousands of years.

Nutritionists, physicians, naturopaths, herbalists, acupuncturists, chiropractors, fasting, etc., have not been able to solve this problem so that oxygenated blood can circulate nutrients and resources to the cells that need it.

It does not matter whether the cells on lockdown are the mother’s or baby’s. Both mother and child will not be optimally healthy if the calcification is not removed and cell lockdown is not reversed.

The good news is that Symptometry has ionizers, hydrolyzers, oxidizers, and the performers of electrolytic dissociation to remove calcification and reverse cell lockdown for circulation and enzyme production to resume in earnest.

Now is the time to give birth to healthy babies with healthy brains and minds, intelligent, smart, creative children, and optimally healthy children so their parents can sleep soundly night after night and not take some days off to care for a sick child.

Thanks to Symptometry and Symptometric Science, giving birth to an optimally healthy baby and future toddler, preteen, teenager, young adult, and adult is now possible. This made Dr. Maxwell Nartey the recipient of the 2024 Presidential Life Achievement Award from Mr. Joe Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, for inventing Symptometric Science.

If thousands of families enroll in Symptometry’s Pregnancy Management and Postpartum services, managed by trained pregnancy management and Postpartum service coaches and specialists, the United States will soon have the world’s healthiest workforce and student population, compelling health insurance companies to adjust and readjust their business practices.

© Copyright 2025, The American School of Symptometry, NFP. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of The American School of Symptometry, NFP. Library of Congress copyright number Txu 1-621-370, Washington D.C.