Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP

Is Alzheimer’s a genetic disease? No, it is not, and there is absolutely no such thing as a gene for Alzheimer’s disease. I have read what geneticists and neurologists wrote about Alzheimer’s disease and I totally disagree with their findings and conclusions.

A genetic disease is a disease that the genes cause. A gene does not cause a disease. A gene is immortal, and it is indestructible, like the atom. However, it can be incapacitated. When a gene is incapacitated, it is not diseased. Incapacitation means the gene has found itself in a situation where it cannot function. It is like an engine that has stopped running. It is not damaged.

A disease is pathology, implying that the laws of health were breached, thereby causing gene incapacitation. As a result, collagen is disintegrating, there is cytoplasmic imbalance, and the three-way communication involving the genes, DNA and the three RNAs has stopped. Even though gene incapacitation can start a disease, it is not a disease.

What does the gene do, really? It performs two functions. These functions are 1) it stores the blueprint in its histones and nucleihistones and 2) it releases the blueprint to DNA.

What enables the gene to release the blueprint to DNA? The simple answer is force. From where does the gene get force? It gets it from nuclear energy because it resides in the nucleus.

Nuclear energy derives from thermal energy, and it is metabolism that produces heat (thermal energy) for the entire body. What is metabolism? It is the sum total of biochemical reactions. Metabolism only takes place in living beings.

What slows down metabolism so that enough metabolic heat cannot be produced? The answer is, poisons, unhealthy salts, plant alkaloids, microbial toxins, traumas, aluminum or mercury in vaccines, etc.

If enough metabolic heat is not produced, many nuclei will not have nuclear energy. Regarding memory, without nuclear energy, the gene cannot have enough force to release the blueprint for acetylcholine to the three RNAs through DNA; and many chromosomes will not be able to function.

Therefore, it would be erroneous to call certain genes, “Parkinson’s disease gene, Alzheimer’s disease gene, schizophrenia gene, etc.” How can a gene cause a disease. It is rather the inability of a gene to function that will cause a disease because there won’t be a blueprint to produce anything.

I used to execute the gene theory of disease. Not anymore because I have acquired a much better understanding of why gene incapacitation occurs.

It is poisons, toxic acids, microbial toxins, plant alkaloids, radioactive isotopes, pharmaceutical salts, medical dyes, acidosis, alkalosis, aluminum or mercury in vaccines, etc. that disable the gene to cause gene incapacitation.

Then, it is gene incapacitation that makes a person susceptible to diseases because there won’t be a blueprint to produce a bone, a hormone, a neurotransmitter, etc. For this reason, if Alzheimer’s disease runs in the family it is because all the family members who have the disease have something in them that is preventing their gene from releasing the blueprint for acetylcholine.

After correcting the genetic theory of disease that was kept in place for over 300 years, let me now turn to the therapeutics of Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease was named after the German neurologist who first described it in 1907. His name was Dr. Alois Alzheimer. He just described it. He never researched it. The neurologists who followed, formulated all kinds of theories about the cause of the symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease, but their theories rather made it impossible for neurologists to cure amnesia, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. This means, research which started in 1910 is still ongoing. When would it end?

In symptometric science, curing is proving. If a researcher cannot formulate a theory that leads to a cure or disease prevention, he or she has nothing to prove. The time to cure Alzheimer’s is now.

In order to cure dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, the substance that must researched is salt.


People take salt for granted, and this is wrong. Salt sits at the epicenter of biochemistry. It is the bedrock of homeostasis and the pH principle. It plays a part in making life possible because water alone cannot produce life.

What is salt? It is the substance that releases cations (positive charge) and anions (negative charge) in water. The human body consists of 93% water. The electrons that orbit the nucleus are negatively charged. If the salt that a person ingests or takes as a pharmaceutical drug, has more anions than cations, it will cause cytoplasmic imbalance.

All the cellular organelles are in the cytoplasm, and the nucleus is the engine of the cell. It is electrical energy and magnetism from the interaction of the cations, the anions and the electrons that maintain cytoplasmic balance.

It is cytoplasmic balance that enables the cell to perform its multiple functions. Cytoplasmic balance throughout the body is called homeostasis, and pH is determined by the amount of anions and hydroxyl ions in a substance. That said, let us discuss the underlying cause of Alzheimer’s disease

Underlying cause of Alzheimer’s disease

When a person cooks with the wrong salt, they should not expect the continuation of cytoplasmic balance in their nerve cells, muscle cells, bone cells, brain cells, etc. It is the wrong salt that sets the stage for Alzheimer’s disease.

What are the wrong salts? The wrong cooking salts are pink salt, Himalayan salt, rock salt, sea salt and iodized sea salt. The other wrong salts are the pharmaceutical salts, and vaccine salts.

Why are they classified as unhealthy or wrong salts? The answer is, they cause cytoplasmic imbalance by releasing more anions than cations.

Since the electrons that are orbiting the nucleus are negatively charged, the combination of electron negativity and anion negativity will overwhelm the cell with negative energy. No person on earth will be healthy if their cells are filled with negative energy.

Every person who has Alzheimer’s disease, also has many other organ diseases, muscle diseases, nerve diseases, dental and gum diseases, bone diseases, etc. because their eleven systems are filled with nothing but negative energy. Another factor to consider are aluminum salts.

Aluminum salts

Aluminum salts are insoluble. Then, they release more anions than cations to cause cytoplasmic imbalance. A substance that does not dissolve in water will block osmosis and fluid distribution, thereby making it impossible for water to get into the cells.

What can the cells produce without water? Nothing. Instead, they will be calcified. I am explaining why individuals who have Alzheimer’s disease cannot produce serotonin, dopamine, substance P, many hormones, platelets, red blood cells, hemoglobin, lymphocytes, etc. The aluminum salts that continue to ruin people’s memories, thereby making them susceptible to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are:

  1. Aluminum palmitate, which is in many packaging materials, and deodorants.
  2. Aluminum potassium sulfate as a clarifying product in cube sugar. It is also used in the production of dill pickles, bleached flour, and cheese. Not only does it cause memory loss, it also causes GERD or acid reflux.
  3. Aluminum calcium silicate. It is used as an anticaking additive when manufacturing powdery salt. This is why salt should never be sprinkled on food at the table. It should only be used when cooking. Also, when cooking, the pot should not be covered so as to facilitate the disintegration and oxidation of aluminum calcium silicate.
  4. Aluminum laurate. It is also an anticaking additive for table sugar or confectionary sugar.
  5. Aluminum isostearate. It is used as a gelling additive when manufacturing gelatin.
  6. Aluminum phosphate. It is also a gelling additive which is used during the manufacture of gelatin. Also, it is an ingredient in dental cement. It is corrosive, especially to the gums.
  7. Aluminum hydroxide. It does not only cause memory loss; it will also cause severe constipation if there is too much of it in bread or in toothpaste.

I accept the theory which identifies aluminum as one of the causes of Alzheimer’s disease, but it must be finetuned. Here is the scientific explanation to better crystalize the aluminum theory.

Aluminum salts will not stop releasing more anions than cations, hence causing cytoplasmic imbalance. It is cytoplasmic imbalance that will cause calcification in the form of neurofibrillary plaque, calcification in the breast, in the joints, etc.

Can neurologists remove neurofibrillary plaque? No, they cannot. Can they restore the three-way communication involving the genes, DNA and the three RNAs? No, they cannot. Can they restore cytoplasmic balance? No, they cannot.

The fact of the matter is, it is neurofibrillary plaque that will cause gene incapacitation; and it is gene incapacitation that will cause amnesia, dementia and finally, Alzheimer’s disease. Which other products have aluminum salt? The products which have aluminum salt include the following:

  1. Dyes, especially hospital dyes
  2. Vaccines
  3. Pharmaceutical drugs, especially over-the-counter antacids

We live in modern society, where most of the foods we eat are processed, and sold in supermarkets. Since most of the high-paying jobs are in the cities, we must live and work in cities, and also raise our children in the cities.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of self-poisoning going on in the cities, and now this self-poisoning has reached the suburbs and the villages.

Considering the above, what should be the most efficient method to prevent dementia, amnesia and Alzheimer’s disease?

Preventing Alzheimer’s disease

The measures Symptometry recommends to prevent Alzheimer’s disease are the following:

  1. Cook your food. When cooking, do not cover the pot for the first 45 minutes. This allows the additives and the preservatives to be thermo oxidized.
  2. Neutralize the adjuvants in vaccines, especially aluminum. Symptometry has the adjuvant neutralizer.
  3. Neutralize hospital dyes because drinking several glasses of water after ingesting a hospital dye, will never flush out aluminum from the eleven systems. Symptometry has the hospital dye neutralizer.
  4. Avoid drinking soda from aluminum cans.
  5. Avoid using shampoos that contain aluminum
  6. Do not use freshly-bought aluminum cookware unless it has been “cured”.
  7. Avoid soy-based baby formulas because most of them have aluminum additives
  8. Avoid lactose intolerant baby formulas because they have aluminum additives. Since there is aluminum in vaccines, a child who is fed baby formula in which there are aluminum additives may develop autism.
  9. Since cake mix, cheese and cookies are made with products that have aluminum, the best advice is to call Symptometry to hydrolyze aluminum. If not, aluminum salt will remain in the cells causing nothing but havoc.

Stopping a bad eating habit will never remove the health disruptors that the bad habit left in the cells. For example, a person who stops drinking coffee will continue to experience the lingering effects of theobromine poisoning because theobromine has not been hydrolyzed.

Curing forgetfulness, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

The measures Symptometry recommends to cure forgetfulness, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are the following:

  1. Take every statement that was made in this discussion seriously.
  2. If you have a liver problem, call Symptometry to oxidize, hydrolyze or ionize the debris and the calcifications that are in your liver so that it can produce the enzymes that convert phenylalanine to tyrosine. Without the full participation of the liver, the brain will not have tyrosine to produce serotonin and acetylcholine.
  3. Change your diet. If you are a vegetarian or a vegan, be reminded that the phenylalanine in vegetables will not be enough to overcome gene incapacitation in the hippocampus.
  4. Restore cytoplasmic fluidity and balance, and this cannot be done with pharmaceutical drugs. Neurologists have been trying since 1907 to cure Alzheimer’s disease with pharmaceutical drugs. They have not succeeded. It is now time to move in a different direction with symptometric science.
  5. Fish oil is a complete waste of time. What can fish oil do when the person’s brain is filled with neurofibrillary plaque? Remove plaque first. Unless plaque is removed, the dietary supplements a nutritionist recommends would not make a dent in Alzheimer’s disease.
  6. Consult Symptometry to ionize neurofibrillary plaque and properly nourish your brain cells.

Why more women than men have Alzheimer’s?

In the Alzheimer’s wards in many industrialized countries, women in their late seventies, eighties and nineties account for over 80% of the Alzheimer’s ward residents.

Why do more women than men have Alzheimer’s disease? Cell neglect is the answer. Women are quick to point out the mental deterioration of their husbands but they often fail to assess their own mental health. Most women think they are healthy when they are not. They lack serotonin and acetylcholine, and these neurotransmitter deficiencies are most noticeable when they are menstruating.

What is the connection between menstruation and forgetfulness, irritability, anger, anxiety, mood swing, panic attacks, hysteria, etc.? Here is my observation.

Menstruation, especially, heavy menses and prolonged menses that go on for years, as well as menstruating every fourteen days for many years, will drain a lot of nutrients from the woman.

Iron is indispensable to the production of many enzyme templates, especially, the templates for producing the enzymes that accelerate the production of serotonin and acetylcholine. The constant depletion of iron will also make the woman anemic, and associated with anemia is hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the tissues).

After 30 years, the non-replenishment of nutrients after menstruation, compounded by salt deposits in the brain, will cause widespread calcification.

It is the non-production of acetylcholine, serotonin, melatonin and other neurotransmitters, that calcification causes, which will begin to change the woman’s personality, mindset, reasoning, etc. Many women will not do anything about their deteriorating mental condition, but they will quickly take the necessary measures to take care of their dry skin, hypertension, boils, constipation, etc., thereby neglecting their brain.

If a woman cannot sleep, she will buy and take over-the-counter medication or an herbal alternative for insomnia instead of addressing the underlying cause of insomnia; they will buy an herbal alternative for anxiety, mood swing, etc., while calcification spreads from one segment of the hippocampus to another. Eventually, calcification will reach the cerebral cortex where it will change the woman’s personality and mindset. The reticular activation system that regulates muscle activity will also be calcified, causing urinary incontinence.

A few women called Symptometry to correct their memory problems, and they responded favorably to hydrolysis and ionization, as they steered clear of aluminum products. If they are constipated, they will seek root-cause treatment to ionize or oxidize the blockages that are hindering the integration of elastin and fibrin into their colons.

There is aluminum in shampoos, in certain hair dyes and in many hair conditioners. Also, there is aluminum phosphate, aluminum formate and aluminum hydrate, as well as aluminum hydroxide in all deodorants, and women love deodorants. Since they want to look attractive and smell good, and they should because they are all we men have, they feel obligated to use these aluminum products. The education that Symptometry is now providing, is steering many women away from these aluminum booby traps.

In the countries where many men and women use mostly plant products to enhance their health, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease are not as rampant as they are in the industrialized countries.

If a person is forgetful, has dementia, or Alzheimer’s disease, they are advised to follow Symptometry’s recommendations regarding diet and lifestyle so that they avoid as many poisons, unhealthy salts, plant diseases, alkaloids, etc. as possible.

Symptometry is not magic. All it does is, it enforces the laws of physics and chemistry on human physiology. Dementia and Alzheimer’s can be cured, and Symptometry has been curing them.

Unfortunately, the disease is not the problem. The real problem is the person who has the disease. Does the person who has dementia or Alzheimer’s have strong family support? Are they ready and willing to try a different and better method? The decision is theirs to make, or family members can make such a decision on their behalf.

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