
Dr. Maxwell Nartey
Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP
World Center for Cell Education and Scientific Enlightenment

Everyone will be constipated at some point. Babies that are just 2 months old are already constipated with colic, making matters worse. They cry all night, as distractions do not make them stop crying. Would this get better? No. Not resolving this baby issue makes the child grow with chronic constipation as their lingering concern.

Some individuals move their bowels once or twice a week with great difficulty. Others strain with their might only to eliminate a few knots or sheep-dung-like dry and offensive stools, leaving a long mass in their large intestines. This explains why, before colonoscopy, the standard procedure requires the person to take a purgative to ensure that feces are not in the large intestine.

Over the years, medical researchers and pharmacists have provided some relief through stool softeners or purgatives. Herbalists provide purgatives or colon irrigation, and nutritionists provide prune juice.

Unfortunately, stool softeners and prune juice leave the client severely dehydrated with dry skin, dry eyes, bad breath, dry vagina, dry scalp with dandruff, dry feet, itchy feet, itchy underarm, and so on. Is this the best herbalists, nutritionists, and pharmacists can do? Yes. Unfortunately, they have reached a dead end. Here comes my next question.

Is this the best mankind can do? No. Here is where Symptometry emerges after discovering a person’s center of gravity.

Discovery of a person’s center of gravity

Our large and small intestines are our center of gravity. Because our center of gravity is low, we are physically stable when we walk in a straight line. Our belly button marks where our umbilical cord was attached to our mother’s digestive system when we were in her womb.

After birth, this point still marks our center of gravity, but we must know more about our large intestine in the pelvic girdle.

The large intestine

It is the filthiest body part, and with filth come heavy metals, toxic metals, and worms. Worms hatch in the large intestine, fan throughout the body, and colonize different body parts. After a person dies, worms that no longer feed on the nutrients in oxygenated blood become maggots because they feed on deoxygenated blood. We can reduce the worm population, but no one can eliminate worms completely.

The filthiest body part is also the factory where the body’s natural disinfectants are made. B vitamins, which are the cofactors in our enzyme templates, carbolic acid, and stercobilin are also made here. Who makes them?

Thirty (33) different strains of colon bacteria make these B vitamins by digesting rejects before turning the rest into feces for elimination. Rejects are still nutrients, but not for humans. They are nutrients for bacteria, bugs, beetles, worms, pigs, etc., so nothing is wasted.

Does the large intestine require cleaning? No. Why? because it self-corrects, self-cleanses, and self-regulates. Sometimes, it finishes producing stool for elimination in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, sometimes once a day, sometimes twice a day, but generally once a day. This is its rhythm, frequency, and cycle.

Our large intestine makes this stool elimination schedule because it should never be completely empty. Its factory workers work around the clock, and supplies must always be available. They should never be idle, not even for one minute. For this reason, feces should always be in the ascending and transverse colons.

Therefore, diarrhea or constipation indicates de-regulation where the colons are off their rhythm, frequency, and cycle. De-regulation implies that the person violated the pH rule, natural law, and health rule. Compliance is mandatory under this circumstance to facilitate re-calibration.

The pH rule

The large intestine is supposed to be alkaline (pH of 7.9 – 8.6), not acidic. Any alkaline product with a pH of 8.7 and a higher pH will over-alkalinize it, causing alkalosis.

Lime, lemon, prune juice, lemonade, dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.), vinegar, apple juice, sauerkraut, grapes, tomato juice, banana, carrot, cabbage, corn, and dates are too acidic for the large intestine, but people care less. They eat them anyway, and when they are constipated, they take a purgative or stool softener. Then, when they have diarrhea, they drink milk of magnesia. No one has ever told them that bypassing the cells is wrong. This is why they keep doing it.

What is the pH of milk of magnesia? 10.5. What is the pH of baking powder used by people who suffer from acid reflux? 8.4. What is the pH of egg white that many people have for breakfast? 8.0. I am sharing laboratory facts about alkalosis that many eminent anatomists and physiologists confirmed.

Why brush your teeth with toothpaste containing baking soda with a pH of 9? How much baking powder is in oatmeal cookies, cakes, or pastries? Baking powder’s pH ranges from 8 to 9. It is too high.

Do people know why they have stomatitis (mouth ulcers)? They ate food that alkalized their mouth instead of keeping it acidic.

Motor neurons innervate the large intestine to cause peristalsis (wavelike movement). The straining force sets stool in motion, starting from the ascending colon through the transverse and descending colons to the sigmoid, rectum, and finally, the anus. Here is what should be known.

Motor neurons do not work efficiently in acidosis and alkalosis, causing diarrhea or constipation.

Breaking the pH rule causes motor neurons to be inactive for a day, two, or three days, causing constipation lasting three days or more. Taking a stool softener or purgative makes it impossible for motor neurons to garner strength to recalibrate the large intestine, setting the stage for habitual constipation. What is natural law?

Natural law

Natural law states that in the human body, the normal must replace the abnormal, the new must replace the old, and the strong must replace the weak, justifying cell division and frequent renewal.

To comply with natural law, the cells must produce the phospholipase enzyme to reverse cell lockdown in the large intestine. Reversing cell lockdown allows nutrients and resources to enter the colon cells so that titin, elastin, and fibrillin can be produced for peristalsis and self-regulation.

Is this what happens? No. Instead of addressing the needs of their colon cells and reverse cell lockdown, people bypass them and buy prune juice, stool softeners, or purgatives. There will always be a hefty price to pay for neglecting the colon cells.

Antibiotics weaken motor neurons so badly that most can hardly recover to recalibrate the large intestine and jumpstart peristalsis.

Health rules

The first health rule states that the gene must align with DNA, and DNA must align with the three RNAs so the genetic codes can be released to produce all the proteins for the body.

The second health rule states that osmosis must always occur so all cells get enough water to function optimally.

A person can drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day or even a gallon, and still, about 80 trillion cells in their body will be dehydrated, causing dry lips, eyes, scalp, skin, mouth, throat, heels, feet, etc.

If the colons can’t get water, their cells won’t produce titin, fibrillin, and elastin for peristalsis. Cell lockdown must be reversed for them to participate in osmosis. These are only two of the ten health rules that I am sharing.

People have been miseducated and misinformed about the large intestine for thousands of years. Symptometry was established to fill this huge void created by medical science, nutritionists, herbalists, etc.

This is planet Earth, and there are rules governing life on this planet. People know nothing about these rules. It is time to share them. Anyone who formulates a method to bypass our cells is making a big mistake. Our cells and well-being are central to our general health. Bypass them, and you will have chronic constipation.

No one is born with the so-called gene for constipation. Our mothers who raised us broke the rules because they did not know better. Some of us repeat our parents’ mistakes, causing the vicious cycle of constipation to be with us. Now is the time to turn the page and do better than our parents.

Symptometry’s recommendation

When we were babies, we were fed bottled milk or breast milk. This is understandable. Now that we are grownups, we must know that rules govern our lives on Earth. Follow these rules, and we will not be constipated. Even after eating foods that cause acidosis or alkalosis, particulates can be used to restore pH balance and recalibrate the large intestine. Then, life will be good again. These particulates are available at Symptometry headquarters.

What happens if pH is not restored in the large intestine?

If the large intestine’s pH is not restored, recalibration will not occur, causing chronic or habitual constipation. Then, because the large intestine is super-filthy, the rest of the body will be out of balance. The body parts that will be out of balance include:

  1. The eyes. The eyes will absorb so much filth that lachrymation (tearing), light sensitivity, pain in the eyes, dim vision, cataracts, floaters, glaucoma, itchy eyelids, seeing double, seeing half of the object, burning eyes, seeing green, seeing blue, seeing red, amaurosis (sudden blindness), flickering, drooping eyelids, eyelids sticking together on waking, jabbing or stabbing eye pain, crust, etc., will occur.
  2. Skin rash, fungal infection, streptococcal infection, staphylococcal infection, itching in different body parts, halitosis (bad breath), offensive body odor, underarm odor, sensitive skin, easy bruising, etc.
  3. The pineal gland. Insomnia will occur because filth jams the gland and shuts it down.
  4. The brain – anxiety and panic attacks will be frequent. Fear for no reason, such as fear of the dark, ghosts, the future, fear of failing, etc., will be experienced at some point.
  5. Nail biting showing signs of nervousness
  6. Mouth twisting or lip chewing
  7. Restlessness
  8. Fidgeting
  9. Fear of delivering the baby
  10. Cannot sleep in the dark; the light must be on
  11. Loquacity, or tendency to talk too much
  12. Vertigo or lightheadedness
  13. Eyes are inflamed or bloodshot eye
  14. Eyes protrude
  15. Dry eyes
  16. Pain in the jaw
  17. Constantly moves lower jaw
  18. Bruxism (teeth grinding)
  19. Drooling
  20. Cannot close the mouth when sleeping
  21. Cannot close the eyes entirely when sleeping
  22. Sensitive nose
  23. Frequent sneezing
  24. Vomits green matter
  25. Vomits blood
  26. Vomits mucus
  27. Vomits bile
  28. Stinky flatulence
  29. Gassiness
  30. Bloating
  31. Sweats profusely
  32. Throat is dry
  33. Craves beer
  34. Craves icy cold items
  35. Craves wine
  36. Craves liquor
  37. Craves lemonade, lime juice, sauerkraut, pickles, vinegar, etc.
  38. Craves marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, etc.
  39. Vagina is dry and hot
  40. Vaginismus (vagina is so tight that penetration tears it)
  41. Blood oozes from the vagina after intercourse
  42. Ovaries are congested, inflamed, and painful
  43. Pain in the uterus
  44. Pain in the anus
  45. Anal fissure
  46. Pain in the tailbone
  47. Cannot urinate, urine suppression, compelling catheterization
  48. Loss of libido
  49. Laryngitis
  50. Dry cough
  51. Coughing blood
  52. Pneumonia
  53. Palpitation
  54. Stiff neck
  55. Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder)
  56. Yeast infection

Time will not allow me to list the additional 210 symptoms caused by the ripple effect of constipation felt in different body parts, including spasms and cramps. At least, this is a start, which is excellent.

Instead of chasing and treating the person’s scattered symptoms, it is strongly recommended to ask one pointed question. This question is: When you are constipated, what do you usually do to get some relief? The answer will reveal the person’s bad habit, meaning what they have been doing for years. With their consent, Symptometry can assist them in correcting this bad habit so the rest of their body is aligned with its center of gravity.

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