
Dr. Maxwell Nartey
Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP
World Center for Cell Education and Scientific Enlightenment

I don’t subscribe to vaccination, and I did not take any of the COVID-19 vaccines, and yet I am 300 times healthier than all those who took the COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines recommended for senior citizens. Why? Because I know better.

I know people my age (73) who have taken COVID-19 thrice and are not doing well. Others have taken the influenza vaccine and other vaccines and are falling apart. What is the difference? The difference is I know how to live on this planet and care for my cells and DNA. They don’t.

Therefore, it is foolhardy for people who know nothing about planet Earth and refuse to be vaccinated.

It is true that vaccines contain formaldehyde, thimerosal (mercury), and sorbitol, to mention only a few adjuvants.

Thimerosal denatures and deactivates many enzymes in the body, especially kinase, cyclin, GTH transferases, and phospholipase. Thimerosal and formaldehyde are vaccine adjuvants (preservatives), without which the vaccines will go bad and cause more health problems after vaccination.

My cousin, who was vaccinated against Polio, contracted polio, and this is only one example out of hundreds of individuals who contracted polio after vaccination. 

In 2003, five Northern Nigerian states boycotted the oral polio vaccination because they did not know what else was in the vaccine that made it a health hazard.

Their argument at the time was if an unvaccinated child can get Polio, and a vaccinated child can also get Polio, why vaccinate children against Polio when it is not clear who will develop Polio and who will not? The vaccination experts could not answer this question. As a result, they packed and left. No child in many states in Northern Nigeria contracted polio. These chiefs knew something about Polio that the immunization experts did not know.

Here is my question.

What should the government do to prevent thousands of people from dying, compromising the workforce, and creating monumental economic and mental crises? These are people with weak immunity who do not know what it takes to live on planet Earth. They know nothing about the pH rule, natural law, hygiene, and health rules. Therefore, they must be protected with the lesser of two evils.

Yes, vaccination is the lesser of two evils. The other evil is ignorance, which is worse. Just for the record, knowledge, not vaccination, eradicated Polio and smallpox from the face of the Earth.

It is true that the demerits of vaccination outweigh its merits. Nevertheless, it is better to be vaccinated than to cook chaotically, eat chaotically, and live chaotically and not know the sources of throat closure (tetanus), gagging (tetanus), heart and respiratory failure (whooping cough, mumps, diphtheria, etc.) and paralysis (polio).

People do not know how to cook greens, and by eating badly cooked greens, they poison themselves with ammonia and phytol. Ammonia (NH3) is a poison. It is in all leaves. Eating raw spinach, kale, and other greens is 50 times worse than boiling them.

Phytol (C20 H40 O) disrupts cellular health and inhibits cell self-regulation. It is found in many green leaves. It is the precursor of Vitamins K1 and E. If leaves are eaten raw or badly cooked and phytol is not digested, it may cause constipation, a symptom of organ deregulation. What does ammonia do? It deactivates enzymes and denatures the enzymes it does not deactivate.

Chromatographic analysis shows sorbitol in bananas. Sorbitol from bananas + sorbitol from vaccine = more sorbitol. Excessive sorbitol removes glutathione from the lens to cause susceptibility to cataracts. Know the other fruits that have sorbitol.

Then, too much potassium from bananas causes sodium/potassium imbalance in the neuron’s plasma membrane, where the leakage channel is located. This imbalance reduces the electricity neurons must produce for neuronal connectivity. This explains why a person who eats bananas without correcting the sodium/potassium imbalance in their neurons will begin to have neuronal disorders. Stuttering is a neuronal disorder, and so is the inability to talk.

People blame vaccines for non-verbal autism and asthma but they don’t blame their lack of knowledge.

Were they aware that too much potassium causes a sodium/potassium imbalance, which is worse in freshly vaccinated individuals? No, they were not. Others who eat bananas without correcting the sodium/potassium imbalance can talk and do not stutter. However, they develop other neurological disorders weeks, months, or years after the vaccination.

Let me discuss apples.

Formic acid in apples, apple sauce, and apple juice hinders ribosomal RNA’s ability to produce the enzyme called proteinase. The inability to produce proteinase causes susceptibility to proteinuria, proteinosis, and albuminuria.

Have you had a blood test done lately? Do you know what albuminuria means? Are you aware of the connection between formic acid and albuminuria? Unfortunately, many blood tests are not designed to detect proteinuria and proteinosis.

Formic acid causes cancer in rats, mice, and hamsters. What prevents it from causing cancer in humans? Is cancer in animals different from human cancer? Are animals not made of collagen like humans? Don’t animals have DNA, chromosomes, and genes specific to their species? Yes, they do, and we have human DNA. A mutation is a mutation.

Solanine is the poison in tomatoes and potatoes. A person who does not produce the enzymes called allosteric poison binders and eats tomatoes or potatoes will poison many of their cells with solanine. In addition to solanine, tomatoes also have a poison called tomatine. Poison is poison, and every poison is our enzymes’ worst enemy.

Then, pharmaceutical drugs also have alkyl and halogen that deactivate many enzymes.

Why does a person have weak immunity? Is it the food they eat, the beverage they consume, or their treatment products? Food for thought.

I am making the point that we can eat many foods, including those with a poison or two, but we must produce allosteric poison binders to neutralize their poisons.

Of the 336 million inhabitants of the United States and 40 million Canadians, how many people in both countries know what it takes to produce allosteric poison binders so they can eat potatoes and tomatoes without suffering long-term consequences? The arbitrary number is fewer than 250.

I am using verifiable scientific research from chromatographic analysis to show why a person who does not get vaccinated, knows nothing about the poisons in foods, and cannot produce allosteric poison binders will never be optimally healthy in many areas of their body. Additionally, they will have weak to marginal immunity. Therefore, the Antivaxx movement is misguided and profoundly rooted in abysmal ignorance.

Considering the above, I advise that to survive in a world dominated by poisons and microbes, one always chooses the lesser of two evils.

Knowledge is power

In his treatise “Meditationes Sacrae,” published in 1597, Sir Francis Bacon stated that knowledge is power, which still holds true today.

Thanks to Symptometric Science, I acquired the unfiltered knowledge that the average person, bacteriologists, virologists, and public health professionals lack. This knowledge boils down to the fact that all creatures gravitate instinctively toward their food source.

Therefore, targeting viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc., for elimination allows other microbes to infect the person with dirty blood.

I know that I am on planet Earth, a toxic, hostile, and predatory planet. Therefore, to remain optimally healthy here and prolong my life without anomalies in my body, my cells must produce a slew of enzymes, including allosteric poison binders, allosteric acid binders, allosteric chemical binders, dehydrogenases, constitutive enzymes, phospholipase, DNA polymerase, GTH transferase, and isotope transferase.

I also know how to activate the enzymes my cells produce. Finally, I know what it takes to protect them from harm so they are neither denatured nor deactivated. For these reasons, my immunity is strong and vibrant and will remain robust for decades.

To avoid weakening my immune system, I eat scientifically cooked food, do not dilute and denature my digestive enzymes before, during, and after a meal, and live scientifically. How? I will share just a few of my secrets.

 I always produce enzymes to clean my blood and enable my cells to self-correct, self-cleanse, self-protect, self-regulate, and self-perpetuate. I found this to be the most efficient way to have an incredibly efficient circulatory and lymphatic system and produce all my hormones and twelve neurotransmitters.

The patrons of Symptometry know these facts and methods too well.

Health is mediated through cell division and enzyme production, activation, and preservation. Therefore, anyone who does not know these basic facts about life and health on planet Earth should be vaccinated.

I am not a government official and don’t work for the state or federal government. More importantly, I am not paid to take the government’s vaccine position. I founded Symptometric Science, the only science on planet Earth buoyed by chromatography and spectroscopy for cell self-rescue. Therefore, I only know and teach the plain truth about our cells and DNA and what hurts them.

How misinformation keeps making matters worse

I am just sick and tired of people who have weak immunity, refuse to be vaccinated, and keep polluting the air by releasing more bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi. This makes life more difficult not for me but for others, especially those who rely on vaccination, without which they will collapse.

People who self-medicate with zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, and Echinacea to boost their immune systems are wasting their time. Their blood will remain filthy and a hotbed for pathogenic microbes, causing many of their cells to remain on lockdown.

Can zinc and vitamins cleanse their blood and reverse cell lockdown? No. It has never happened and will never happen. Their blood is teeming with viral, bacterial, fungal, and protozoan growth factors, and they don’t know what is happening to their blood. This is sad indeed.  Here is what else they should know.

Only people with specific growth factors in their filthy blood will be infected or have elevated temperature (fever) and, periodically, low oxygen levels. The truth is there is nothing genetic about being sicker than another person.

Therefore, if people who are vulnerable do not find the most effective way to boost their immunity, they will increase their susceptibility to herpes, hepatitis, bacterial vaginitis, yeast infection, Lyme disease, streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, etc., and taking more pharmaceutical drugs will never make their health and lives better.


About 270 viruses, 1,513 bacterial pathogens, 800 fungi, and 50,000 species of protozoa constantly prey upon humans. These organisms get their growth factors from dirty human blood. If we buy groceries from supermarkets and farmer’s markets, why shouldn’t microbes get their growth factors from people with dirty blood?

All creatures gravitate naturally toward their food source; if they leave their toxins in the infected person’s blood, so be it. If the person dies of septicemia, viremia, or toxemia, whose fault is it? 6 million people died during the 1918 influenza epidemic. How many people died during the COVID-19 pandemic? Statistics vary from state to state and from country to country.

According to immunologists and bacteriologists, vaccination targets only 5 viruses and 5 bacteria because they are the deadliest. Here are my questions.

What about the remaining 265 pathogenic viruses and 1,508 pathogenic bacteria? Also, what about the 800 fungi and 50,000 protozoa, some of which cause malaria, West Nile virus, Dengue fever, hemorrhagic diseases, Raynaud’s syndrome, etc.? Why should they be left to cause havoc in the form of chronic malaria, shingles, SARS, Lyme disease, sepsis, viremia or toxemia, etc.?

People who are not patrons of Symptometry have no immunity against these 51,773 pathogens. When their oxygen is low, they are given an oxygen tank to raise their oxygen level, unbeknownst to them that they are being eaten alive, piece by piece, day by day.

This is America, a free country. I have heard this refrain several times, but here are the facts that those who repeat this refrain should know.

It is good to be free, but with freedom comes responsibility. Therefore, vaccination should be recommended for those who remain clueless about what it takes to stay healthy on Earth.

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