Dr. Maxwell Nartey
Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP
World Center for Cell Education and Scientific Enlightenment

From time immemorial, the Greeks have been known to tell tall tales about everything. Eventually, they turned their tall tales into myths, making myths the euphemism for lies. Simply put, Greeks have a long history of making things up. In modern parlance, it is called creating legends.

For example, Plato wrote about Atlantis as a place where science was ahead of its time by several thousand years. Atlantis never existed.

Asclepius, son of Apollo, was cast as the god of medicine while Apollo was the god of healing, truth, and prophecy. Asclepius and Apollo never existed.

Hygeia was the goddess of health. They created Aphrodite and made her the goddess of love, beauty, physical attraction, fertility, marriage, and desire. Hygeia and Aphrodite never existed. Interestingly, every legend has a sculpture, creating the illusion that they once walked on the face of this planet when they never lived.

Who was Hippocrates?

The Greeks created Hippocrates and made him the father of medicine when it was the ancient Egyptians who invented medicine and surgery in Alexandria a thousand years earlier. The islands of Cos and Cnidos where Hippocrates was said to have taught medicine in a medical school were all made up.

The Greeks created these myths or legends to control people’s minds and keep them under an indefinite spell. For the most part, they succeeded. Now, a word about the Hippocratic spell.

The Hippocratic spell

For thousands of years, people have been held under the Hippocratic spell manifesting as a food spell and therapeutic spell. The food spell made people believe that food was medicine and medicine was food, even to the point of considering every food to be good.

The therapeutic spell made people consider every pharmaceutical drug to be good, and every physician to be good. They saw good in every food, meaning no bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. Really? Then, every physician was good and knowledgeable. Really?

The spell has been so strong that people resisted every attempt to make them think otherwise. This is what happens when people have been lied to over and over for so long that they subconsciously blur the lines separating lies from truth, and eventually, accept lies as truth.

For example, people know that they are made of cells, nutrients, and water, but when it comes to health, their cells no longer count. It is what their physician tells them that matters. They can read about the side effects of the pharmaceutical drug online but once their physician prescribes it, they will take it, no questions asked. If the ophthalmologist recommends corneal surgery, they will accept the recommendation, schedule the surgery, and go under the knife without any second thoughts.

The Hippocratic spell has turned people into zombies. They will not question what their physician tells them to do. Most of them do not ask questions. A physician’s prescription has been turned into an order that must obeyed and executed. Who executes the physician’s order? The nurses and the pharmacists. Even nurses don’t question a physician’s order.

In the medical system, nurses take orders from physicians and report to physicians. Even if a physician makes a prescription error, it is not a big deal, and if a nurse makes an error, it is also not a big deal. The physician will cover up the nurse’s mistakes because they are humans, and no one is perfect. Even if prescription errors or surgical errors result in a person’s death, it is not a big deal. They will be covered up. This is standard practice.

The poor, the uninformed, and the ignorant have no chance to do better in the medical system. They are just statistics.

If they are sick and a physician cannot turn their situation around, they will consider the physician’s failure as their fate. They must accept their fate. It is their time to die. There are family members who, out of ignorance, see nothing wrong with a physician’s prescription error, surgeon’s error, or anesthesiologist’s error.

A person who is under the Hippocratic spell has been stripped of their mind and ability to think, analyze facts, and juxtapose truth with lies.

Also, they have been stripped of critical thinking, self-determination, independence, creativity, and ingenuity. They know nothing about their body except what the physician tells them. Then, they repeat the physician’s diagnosis of their disease like sheep bleating in the field.

Symptometry is making history by doing what Socrates did about 2,500 years ago. He was stimulating critical thinking to break the Hippocratic spell on the masses.

Why was Socrates put to death by the Greek government in Athens on February 15, 399 BC? His only crime was he was breaking the spell under which the people were. How? By stimulating critical thinking.

To the Athenian government at the time, Socrates was inciting a revolution against the government, and this was a treasonous offense.

The good news is we are now in the 21st century with the Internet on our side and Symptometry books being published to facilitate cell education, and scientific enlightenment every step of the way. This is why no such frivolous accusation as treason can be leveled against the advanced scientific teachings of Symptometry.

Medicine is not the government. It is therapeutics, and its system is flawed at its core. Symptometry is shining the spotlight on these flaws so that medical science becomes better than what it currently is.

Symptometry is already making inroads in the populace, and its teachings are being mightily appreciated, one family at a time.

When I was studying homoeopathy in Great Britain, I was taught that it is miasma (a blemish on mankind) that causes pruritus (itching). Now, I know the total truth about the underlying cause of pruritus. It is allergens that cause the itch, and they also cause hives aka urticaria.

Pharmacists produce Benadryl TM, Cortizone 10 TM, Hydrocortisone cream 1% TM, and Anti-itch Blue Star TM to treat the itch without touching the allergens that cause the itch. If this is not smoke and mirrors about medical science I don’t know what else this is. People want the truth about why they are sick, and all they keep getting from physicians and their patrons are smoke and mirrors.

Who are the alternatives? It is Medical science that is the alternative because it ignores or sidesteps the natural method for restoring health to pursue the alternative method.

The alternative method substitutes pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines for water, nutrients, and resources that our cells use to produce enzymes. Enzymes protect the cells from harm and speed up the production of neurons, neurotransmitters, peptides, etc.

People no longer want to be fooled. The truth is now out. Benzene is the source of all human, animal, and plant anomalies followed by fungus. This is a verifiable fact.

What does benzene do in vegetables? It reacts with sap to produce allergens and inflammatory renegades. Every plant or crop has inflammatory renegades. As inflammatory renegades, they can cause inflammation in any part of the body by displacing cortisol or by blocking its production.

Are non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs necessary? No, they are not because we now know the source of every inflammation.

Is Turmeric necessary as an anti-inflammatory botanical product? It can alleviate inflammation without removing its source. Why? Because as a plant, turmeric also has allergens. Therefore, a person who takes turmeric adds more allergens to the pile of allergens already circulating in their blood or sitting in their tissues. Therefore, taking turmeric is synonymous with taking one step forward, and two steps backward. Is this progress? No, it is not. It is called fooling oneself.

Except for dental cleaning which is indispensable to oral health and heart health, and clinical tests that must be done once a year to see if there are any red flags, medicine is only needed for emergencies and to stabilize a person who suffered physical trauma.

Physicians may not want to hear what I just said about the Hippocratic spell because they have been benefitting from it. The more stupid and ignorant people are the more money they make. I know how the system works and I want them to improve their service, and make themselves useful, instead of taking advantage of people’s ignorance.

How many times does a person who knows how to live on this toxic and predatory planet need an ambulance? Maybe once in 59 years, but our teeth must be cleaned with special tools twice a year. The rest of the time is spent selecting foods scientifically, cooking food scientifically, eating scientifically, and living scientifically. This is the Symptometry way of life designed for individuals who break the Hippocratic spell.

Symptometry was invented to fill the gaping hole that medical science created and end the terrible habit of compartmentalizing health information to keep people in the dark about their bodies.

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