preventing miscarriage

Dr. Maxwell Nartey
Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP
World Center for Cell Education and Scientific Enlightenment


To date, I have scientifically and successfully managed 172 pregnancies, allowing women to give birth vaginally in less than 12 minutes without epidural.

For women who were in labor for 18, 24, or 28 hours before a C-section had to be performed, this may sound too good to be true and out of this world. No, it is not because it is true, it can be verified, and it can be done again and again.

Many women are now waking up to a new dawn, and leaving 18 hours in labor, 24 hours, and 32 hours in labor followed by a C-section in their rearview mirror.

If gynecologists and obstetricians want to remain stuck in the past, let them remain where they want to be. The rest of mankind is moving forward with new ideas, and a better science called Symptometric Science.

Two years ago, on September 26, 2022, I posted an article titled, “Understanding Miscarriages”, and today, due to popular demand, I am posting this article tailored specifically to the prevention of miscarriage and a few details about IVF (in-vitro fertilization).

First, what is meant by scientifically managing a pregnancy? It means enrolling a pregnant woman in Symptometry’s pregnancy management program and quickly taking care of her cellular needs as well as her baby’s cellular needs for 36 – 39 weeks. In pregnancy management, every week counts.

Countless mothers never had their pregnancies managed scientifically and look at what they brought into this world. I was not a healthy person for nearly 40 years. How many individuals are worse off than I was? Billions. Why repeat our mother’s mistakes?

Some women enroll in the program as soon as their pregnancy test is positive. Others enroll when they are 19, 21, or 22 weeks pregnant. Here are some facts to consider.

I am using information that gynecologists and obstetricians do not have. This information is in the Symptometry Corpus Scientia, which I wrote.

Also, I am using tools that dietitians, nutritionists, herbalists, gynecologists, surgeons, IVF specialists, and physicians do not have. These tools are select subatomic particles loaded with vibrational energy, power, strength, pressure, force, speed, and momentum. Then, I recommend molecules that are properly paired, not prenatal supplements most of which cause hernias, cleft palates, celiac disease, poor reflexes, under-developed kidneys, lungs, etc., miscarriages, and premature births.

It is important to emphasize that giving birth to a baby is good but not good enough. Even genetic testing during pregnancy does not go far enough because such tests never eliminate the gene/DNA misalignment that will cause the child’s inability to produce serotonin in the brain stem, and acetylcholine and dopamine in the midbrain. As a result, the child will grow up handsome or beautiful but will also have to battle anxiety, panic attacks, depression, fear of the dark, lack of motivation or determination, procrastination, inability to complete projects, etc. for the rest of their lives. Sounds familiar?

Symptometry’s subatomic particles penetrate the cells of women who follow Symptometry’s recommendations. What do these vibrational products do? They ionize the garbage that blocks the gene/DNA alignment in the brain stem, forebrain, and midbrain, as well as in different plexuses.

The uterus of a woman who wants to conceive and carry her baby to term should meet the basic criteria for long-term pregnancy. Some women are extremely anemic with some of them suffering from sickle cell anemia. This concern is serious and must be resolved before the beginning of the second trimester.

Other women are extremely crampy. This is also serious because cramps are often followed by spasms, ending in a miscarriage.

The age factor

The truth that has never been shared with women is that spasms are more frequent in women than men. Why? Women have a uterus where human life begins. Men do not have a uterus. Also, the older a woman gets; the greater the frequency of cramps and spasms in her uterus.

Only specific subatomic particles can penetrate the cytoplasm and nuclei in each cell to stop these cramps and spams. This explains why none of the 172 women I mentioned earlier miscarried. However, before some of them enrolled in the program, they had miscarried twice or 3 times.

Spasms are responsible for over 95% of miscarriages. To prevent a miscarriage, the fault lines that run through the woman’s uterus must be sealed with vibrational energy. Unless this is done, either the woman will miscarry or she will give birth prematurely.

The three stages of gestation

 Now, let me discuss the three stages of cell division that follow conception.

There is zygotal cell division, embryonic cell division, and fetal cell division with the trophoblast playing a key role at each stage of the baby’s development and gestational cycle.

Kinase and cyclin are the two enzymes that divide the cells at each stage, but the speed at which the cells divide varies from stage to stage. Nothing should reduce this speed.

What is important for the flawless growth and development of the baby is that properly paired nutrients must be in the woman before kinase and cyclin start to divide each cell at the zygotal stage, and before each neural stem cell starts to divide to produce thousands of interneurons, motor neurons, and sensory neurons.

It is these interneurons, motor neurons, and sensory neurons that will produce the baby’s first system called the nervous system.

To prevent a miscarriage, kinase and cyclin should neither be denatured nor deactivated and cramps should not be allowed to occur. Also, the substances that denature or deactivate kinase and cyclin, and go on to denature helicase, the enzyme that unwinds DNA, should be known and avoided.

If DNA cannot unzip to expose a few genes when it is unwinding to transmit the blueprint to build the baby’s body parts, the placenta will be unhinged, causing a miscarriage in the second, third, or fourth month. Some women miscarry in the fifth month. Unfortunately, every miscarriage is traumatic.

Importance of HDL

Let us not focus on estrogen and progesterone because they are distractions and false issues. There are better and bigger issues like HDL and oxytocin to consider. Always focus on HDL (High-density lipoprotein).

How much HDL does the woman have? The answer to this question is important because 80% of estrogen, androgens, estradiol, estrone, oxytocin, and progesterone are made with HDL. Also, how healthy is the woman’s uterus, and liver?

Why the uterus? If the fibroids are too big, there won’t be enough room to firmly anchor the placenta to the abdominal wall. Also, if the woman’s endometriosis is too widespread, there won’t be enough oxygen in the placenta for the baby. Why? Because endometriosis depletes uterine and placental oxygen. No oxygen, no life.

Why the liver? It is the liver that makes HDL and converts essential amino acids to non-essential amino acids so that colostrum and prolactin can be produced. 198 amino acids are required to produce prolactin. Here comes the big question.

How much oxygen is in the woman’s womb so that the placenta can have a lot of it, and the enzyme called oxidase can be produced to support the baby’s life? Starch, sugar, fat, oil, protein, water, and air have oxygen, but still many cells lack oxygen, and if many of the embryonic cells do not have oxygen, ATP will not activate oxidase.

If oxidase cannot be activated, it will be like a car without an ignition button or key. It will not start. If oxidase cannot be activated, the trophoblast will disappear, causing cramps and spasms to cut the placenta loose. This is how a miscarriage occurs.

Many women want to conceive. Most of them will become pregnant all right, but to carry the baby to term depends on factors that most women are not aware of.

The purpose of Symptometry’s pregnancy management is to ionize the mother’s cells and the embryo’s cells and make sure that the woman is producing enough HDL. Then, she is neither denaturing her enzymes nor deactivating them.

The nutritionists’ problem

Nutritionists emphasize good nutrition. What do they call “good nutrition”? Is eating badly cooked greens good nutrition? No, it is not. Is eating mushrooms good nutrition? No, it is not. Is drinking tomato juice good nutrition? No, it is not.

Are nutritionists aware that there is ammonia in greens, and that ammonia is poison? Are they aware of porphyrin in greens and porphyrin is toxic?

Are they aware that there is solanine in tomatoes, and that solanine is poison? Are they aware that there is patulin in mushrooms, and that patulin is poison? Are they aware that there is prussic acid in nuts, and that prussic acid is poison?

It is time to soar above nutrition and find out why women who eat the so-called good foods, as well as fruits and vegetables miscarry.

The individual factor

I often overhear some sisters saying, “We have been eating the same food since childhood. How come my sister is pregnant, but I can’t get pregnant?” Even twins, triplets, and quadruplets do not have the same physiology.

Then, the quality of the man’s sperm must be factored into the equation. Don’t focus on yourself, focus on the man too.

Finally, women who consume raw meat, raw leaves, raw fish, nuts, and seeds, contaminated milk, greens, or cheese often experience miscarriages, compared to those who eat cooked food and are extremely careful with their diet.

Therefore, sisters may have different factors causing their miscarriages because of their food and treatment preferences.

The stress factor

Does stress cause miscarriage? No, it does not unless the woman who is under a lot of stress also eats the poisons that deactivate oxidase.

If we have all day, I will go on naming the poisons in the foods people eat because chromatographic analysis keeps uncovering more poisons in what people eat.

Self-poisoning with so-called cultural foods causes cramps or spasms. Coughing most of the day or night has caused miscarriage.

What causes a cough? It is spasms in the pharyngeal plexus that cause a cough. If these spasms continue, the woman will miscarry. A cough drop or cough syrup is a molecule. A molecule never penetrates a cell.

Therefore, molecules cannot seal a fault line.

A word about IVF

Most women undergo IVF treatment without knowing anything about the causes of miscarriage, and if they miscarry, the IVF specialists will advise them to try again and again. I hope this article enlightens the women who opt for IVF.

The truth is that not all IVF treatments succeed.

One woman who underwent IVF treatment and failed on several occasions to conceive despite paying over $US13,000 decided to seek Symptometry’s assistance. All the scientific facts about pregnancy were shared with her before she decided to come on board.

Symptometry is not about treatment. It is about cell self-correction, self-repair, self-cleansing, self-protection, cell nourishment, enzyme protection, and enzyme preservation. To facilitate cell self-correction, the woman must eat and live scientifically.

After cooking, eating, and living scientifically, and ionizing her cells for 5 months, the woman conceived and did not miscarry. After 39 weeks, she gave birth vaginally after spending only 15 minutes in labor. Others spend less time in labor.

Two years later, she conceived again and she did not miscarry. She gave birth vaginally in her 38th week. At the time of writing this article, her first child just celebrated his 9th birthday.

Is there something that Symptometry knows that IVF clinics do not know? It is up to the IVF specialists to find out. Symptometry does not charge $13,000 but it gets the job done for a tiny fraction of what this woman paid. Interestingly, she has the receipts to prove it.

The point I am trying to make is that women should not only do IVF. They should also consider enrolling in Symptometry’s pregnancy management program to prevent miscarriage and increase their chances of success.

The quality of the man’s sperm

Sometimes, women miscarry because of the mediocre quality of the sperm that fertilizes the egg. Is it the sperm of a beer drinker, a drug addict, a wine drinker, or a liquor drinker?

Many sperms lack sustainable energy, which means after enabling kinase and cyclin to divide the embryonic cells for 10 weeks, they may run out of sustainable energy and collapse, causing miscarriage or the formation of a mole.

To increase the woman’s chances of success, Symptometry recommends that both the man and the woman live and eat scientifically while the woman ionizes and nourishes her cells. If they agree to follow this recommendation, the woman will improve her chances of carrying her pregnancy to term. This is what 172 women have done.

Injecting sperm into the egg during IVF has often failed to move beyond the zygotal stage. Why? Because of the extremely poor quality of the man’s sperm. What can be done to overcome this challenge? Let the man and woman figure out what the correct answer should be.

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