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Understanding Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP

People have known Hodgkin’s lymphoma to mean “blood cancer” because this was what they were told. The question is, if blood is cancerous, can chemotherapy and radiation clean it up and wipe out the cancer? Not so easy and not so fast.

There are many details the average person must know about Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Regrettably, these details are not shared with the public. After a Hodgkin’s lymphoma diagnosis, the patient is immediately scheduled for chemotherapy and radiation. Slow down. Not so fast.

First, know what Hodgkin’s lymphoma is. Second, know what causes it, and third, know how the person contracted this cancer. Cancer is not a mystery disease, and it should never have been a mystery disease.

Hodgkin’s lymphoma is not like a malignant breast tumor, malignant tumor in the colon, in the brain, pancreas, etc. This is the cancer that starts in the stem cells of the red bone marrow, and it pollutes blood (the circulatory system).

Then, it would pollute the lymphatic system, the urinary system, the digestive system, the three nervous systems, the immune system, the endocrine system, the integumentary system (the skin), the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, the musculo-skeletal system and the reproductive system.

The word “lymphoma” derives from lymphocytes (a type of white blood cells). Most of the stem cells in the red bone marrow that produce the different types of lymphocytes have been impacted. Due to this impact, the lymphatic system can no longer clean itself, and many robust T cells can no longer be produced. Eventually, the red blood cells and the platelets will also be impacted.

The question is why can’t fresh lymphocytes (white blood cells) be produced again? The answer is, DNA in most of the stem cells that produce one of the white blood cell lines is fractured. For this reason, the gene cannot release the blueprint to a DNA that is fractured.

It is because the genes cannot release the blueprint to a DNA that is fractured that ribosomal RNA cannot produce cell essentials, brain essentials and body essentials without the assistance of tRNA and mRNA.

Consequently, only old white blood cells would be in the circulatory system. Old cells look weird.

It is because the white blood cells look weird that they will be attacked by all kinds of microbes that get into the person. This explains why fever, skin rash, night sweat, etc. would be common.

Since the toxins of microbes bind to hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters, muscle proteins, etc., to make them worthless, the person will not feel well.

Additionally, the multiple attacks on the white blood cells would leave billions of cell pieces in the lymphatic system, with some spilling into the circulatory system.

To allow circulation to continue, blood would shove cellular debris into the lymph nodes, thereby causing their enlargement; and it will shove debris into the spleen and the liver to cause their enlargement. Over time, the person’s heart will also become enlarged; and their legs, thighs, ankles, face, wrists, and abdomen would become swollen.

If this cellular debris jams the muscle fibers, the person will lose weight; if it jams their stomach lining, the person may lose appetite (anorexia nervosa); if it jams their colons, the person may suffer from severe and chronic constipation, and so on and so forth.

Also, if this debris jams the stem cells that produce the red blood cells and the platelets, the person will become anemic, and they will have either a low platelet count or an enormously high platelet count.

It is important to have blood tests done periodically to determine if the treatment is being effective or not.

The downside of chemotherapy and radiation is, they introduce a lot of nitrates, salts and metals into the person, and these products react with salt in blood to produce more debris. The complex debris that is produced makes it impossible to repair DNA.

Edema or lymphedema are fancy medical terms. People want to know why their organs have become enlarged, why their lymph nodes are enlarged, and so on and so forth. Unfortunately, they cannot get answers. All they get are speculations.

The truth is, unless debris is hydrolyzed, oxidized or ionized, the person will never recover from Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Also, it would be totally unwise to treat fever in a person who has Hodgkin’s lymphoma with an herb or a pharmaceutical drug. The toxins and debris in their systems must be hydrolyzed.

The main problem with Hodgkin’s lymphoma is, DNA in the stem cells of the red bone marrow is fractured. This is why the genes and the three RNAs are at a standstill.

In order to cure Hodgkin’s lymphoma so the three RNAs can function again, DNA must be repaired, and the systems must be sanitized. How can DNA be repaired?

Repairing DNA

DNA must be repaired with the main branch of thermal energy, and with oxygen. Why oxygen?

Oxygen is the element that restores the integrity of the double helix, and it keeps the base pairs in their proper places. Hodgkin’s lymphoma occurred because oxygen was kicked out of DNA, and it was never returned in 10 to 20 years. Hodgkin’s lymphoma did not occur overnight. It was years of cell neglect and chaotic eating that caused it.

Force is the main branch of oxygen, thermal energy and electrical energy; and the subbranches of force are: strength, power and pressure. Speed and momentum are integral parts of strength, power and pressure. DNA unwinds to transmit the blueprint to the three RNAs at a certain speed. This is why speed is important to healing.

Therefore, by getting oxygen into the stem cells, and by keeping it where it is supposed to be a little longer, the person’s chances of recovering from Hodgkin’s lymphoma would be brighter.


Metals must be removed from the body so that oxygen can stay in DNA and in the cytoplasm a little longer. Also, metals must be removed because they cause a drag on DNA.

Are chemotherapy and radiation the only procedures that introduce metals into a person’s body? No. Eating nuts and seeds also introduces metals into a person. Also, fruits, raw foods, and vegetables, as well as atmospheric pollutants introduce metals into a person. Unless these metals are liquefied, the person will never heal.

What else do metals do? They denature (damage) our enzymes.

Two enzymes divide the stem cells. If these two enzymes cannot duplicate the stem cells, fresh and normal white blood cells will not be produced.

The two enzymes that divide the cells are: 1) kinase and 2) cyclins.

Kinase and cyclins would need force, power and pressure to divide the stem cells, and to properly position DNA in the new cell. This would make the new cell to look exactly like the old cell.

However, there is a difference between cell division and cell repair, and there another difference between cell repair and DNA repair.

Polymerase is the enzyme that uses force from oxygen to repair DNA or it uses nucleotides to replace old DNA. Unfortunately, polymerase is extremely sensitive to alcohol, radioactive isotopes in many hospital dyes, strong alkalis, acids, alkaloids, and poisons, as well as metals. If it is denatured, it will not be possible to repair or replace DNA.

Another factor of great importance is thermal energy (heat). The person must have thermal energy so it can start dissolving the cellular debris that enlarged their lymph nodes, glands, legs, organs, etc.; and jammed their colons, bladder, membranes, crypts, etc.

For the above reasons, the person’s diet, treatment, and lifestyle must change. To achieve these objectives, the doctor of Symptometry will provide a food guide, and there will be specific instructions as to how to take Symptometry’s products.

The focus of symptometric treatment is to repair DNA that is fractured, clean up the cells, scientifically nourish the stem cells and the other cells; reverse gene incapacitation, and make the three RNAs function again.

Also, the doctor of Symptometry will sanitize the person’s blood and strengthen their fragile blood vessels. This action will prevent an aneurysm, a stroke, or internal hemorrhaging caused by capillary fragility.

Finally, the doctor of Symptometry will help the person’s glands to produce hormones, and their cells to produce neurotransmitters. This is how a person’s whole body is treated at the cellular and DNA levels. It is such a comprehensive approach that would facilitate recovery.

In Symptometry, no part of the person’s body is neglected.

© Copyright 2021, The American School of Symptometry, NFP. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of The American School of Symptometry, NFP. Library of Congress copyright number Txu 1-621-370, Washington D.C.