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The Dangers of Polluted CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid)

Cerebrospinal fluid

Dr. Maxwell Nartey

Professor of Symptometric Science, American School of Symptometry, NFP

The cerebrospinal fluid is the least talked about subject after a diagnosis. Physicians seldom talk about it. Why? The answer is, there is absolutely nothing they can do about it. Even if they try to explain it to their patients, their patients will not understand what they are talking about. Why waste their time?

In symptometric science, polluted CSF is the hottest topic. Why? It demystifies over 2,500 mysteries in medical science. In other words, what physicians cannot explain because they do not know the source of the disease, Symptometry knows exactly what is causing the disease, and if the sick person is ready and willing to cooperate with the doctor of Symptometry, the source of their health concern will be removed, and they will be healthy again.

Undoubtedly, polluted CSF has been the cause of countless cases of sudden death for centuries. Also, it is the cause of a congested medulla oblongata.

Haven’t we heard of people who were healthy one day, and they died the next day or a few days later? Yes, we have. Haven’t we heard of people who were given a clean bill of health, but they died in their sleep a week or two weeks later? Yes, we have, and some of these individuals were our family members, or our loved ones.

When a person has cancer, and the entire focus of the treatment is on their cancer, the person will have an extremely polluted CSF. As a result, this pollution will cause their death. Heart failure, congestive heart failure, and respiratory failure stem from a polluted CSF.

Let me share a case of cell neglect that nearly claimed the life of a senior citizen who wanted to live.

After several rounds of chemotherapy and radiation, a 70-year-old cancer patient from Morganton, North Carolina, was told by her oncologists that there was nothing else they could do for her. Then, to make matters worse, she was given a telephone number and asked to call that number in case things got worse. That telephone number was the hospice’s telephone number.

This woman who wanted to live was extremely disappointed. So, what did her daughter do? She called Symptometry. After agreeing to comply with my recommendations, I took over the case.

Eight years later, this woman is still alive, she has been traveling, and she has been enjoying every moment she could get. She recently traveled to Chicago, and went for a boat ride at Navy Pier.

What did her oncologists miss? They missed the woman’s cerebrospinal fluid. What is the cerebrospinal fluid exactly?

The cerebrospinal fluid is the north-south neuronal conduit in the human body. All the signals from the head travel downwards through the cerebrospinal fluid and the spinal cord to the internal organs, the glands, the skin, the systems, the structures and the mechanisms.

Conversely, all the signals from the feet, the toes, the legs, the arms, the internal organs, bones, etc., travel upwards through the spinal cord and CSF to the head and the brain. This back-and-forth traffic will go on for 24 hours until we all die.

Even though we will all die, eventually, we can keep putting off death for 10 years, 20 years, 40 years, 75 years, 110 years, etc. until we have outlived our usefulness on planet earth or until an accident claims our lives.

CSF is the fluid that absorbs all of the body’s pollution. How does our blood become polluted? Here is the answer.

There is salt in our blood. Salt is a reactor. As a reactor, salt will react with poison, toxins, plant alkaloids, egg components, milk, preservatives, additives, colorings, hospital dyes, pharmaceutical drugs, marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, the salt of stings, toxic acids like the prussic acid in nuts, acetaldehydes, esters, oxides, etc. These biochemical reactions will produce simple debris and complex debris.

Over time, say after 10 years, 20 years, 40 years, etc., the unremoved debris will pollute CSF. Eventually, CSF will become so polluted and so thick that only very few neurons will be able to pass through it to reach our toes, feet, fingers, knees, brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc.

What causes neurological disorders like urinary incontinence, bowel incontinence, locomotor ataxia, vertigo, lightheadedness, or Meniere’s disease; cluster headache, trembling, neuropathy, pain, lack of sensation, paralysis, amaurosis (sudden blindness), lack of coordination, and 3,000 more? The answer is, polluted CSF.

Every person who has a disease will eventually have neurological disorders. This is because the three nervous systems that serve as the foundation of the human body use nerves and neurons; and most neurons travel through CSF and the spinal cord.

The three nervous systems are: the autonomic nervous system, the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system.

It is our personal responsibility to keep cleaning our CSF. If we do not, no one will clean it for us. It is because we have not cleaned our CSF in decades that we should expect all kinds of neurological disorders.

Age has absolutely nothing to do with our neurological diseases. It is we who cause our own diseases by failing to clean up our CSF, by failing to remove garbage from our cells, by failing to provide our cells with thermal energy, by failing to help our cells to produce food enzymes and ancillary enzymes. If we die, it is our fault.

God, the Creator, Yahweh, Allah, Jesus, etc. have nothing to do with our death. We were given life. Therefore, it is our personal responsibility to protect this precious life. It is carelessness or recklessness that makes us victims of poisoning. This could be food poisoning or chemical poisoning. Poison will shut down CSF.

How is CSF sanitized? It is billions of ancillary enzymes that sanitize CSF. How are ancillary enzymes produced? Our cells must have subatomic particles. This is because only subatomic particles can penetrate the nuclear envelope, the nucleus, and the nucleolus in order to reach the fluid called nucleoplasm.

Nucleoli produce ribosomes, which in turn produce ribosomal RNA. Finally, it is ribosomal RNA that will produce billions of the ancillary enzymes that will eat away the simple and the complex debris in CSF.

Symptometry has the technical know-how and the tools to sanitize CSF with five different oxidoreductase ancillary enzymes. These enzymes are: 1) oxidase 2) oxygenase 3) dehydrogenase 4) hydroxylase and 5) reductase. Physicians and the all the practitioners of alternative medicine do not have this knowledge and this technical know-how. Injections, herbs, tablets and drugs will rather make matters worse.

My reason for bringing this precious and never-heard-of information to the attention of the world is, people are being misdiagnosed every day, and the wrong diagnosis has been justifying the wrong treatment. Then, the wrong treatment makes the disease worse, and chronic. Now, thanks to symptometric science, we know better, and who knows better does better.

If a person has neck pain, stiff neck, pain in the shoulder, epilepsy, neuropathy, etc., just find a doctor who knows how to help the cells to produce ancillary enzymes. As long as the person is ready and willing to comply with Symptometry’s recommendations, they will recover from their illness.

The time for chaotic eating is over. Also, the time for living on this planet in total ignorance is over. It is now time for scientific enlightenment and self-empowerment.

Let us keep living, and make ourselves useful to ourselves, our loved ones and our community. We were not born to die in abysmal ignorance. We were born to live and to use enlightenment to make this world better for ourselves and others. Wake up folks. Symptometry is here. Make the best of it.

© Copyright 2021, The American School of Symptometry, NFP. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of The American School of Symptometry, NFP. Library of Congress copyright number Txu 1-621-370, Washington D.C.