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Is Medicine a scam?

Medicine Scam ?

By Dr. Maxwell Nartey, Founder of Symptometry

Is medicine a scam? Not curing diseases and also not being able to teach people how to prevent diseases have made many individuals to wonder aloud if they are being scammed. The ancient Egyptians started medicine as surgery. From surgery, medicine became anatomy. Hippocrates turned anatomy into herbal medicine with some emphasis on the humors. The Greeks through the legend of Asclepius and Hippocrates, officialized and institutionalized chaotic and cultural eating

The Romans reinforced cultural and chaotic eating; and surgery. Around 1635, the Europeans led by the Portuguese, added pharmaceutical drugs to bloodletting and surgery; and the rest of the world embraced chaotic eating, pharmaceutical drugs, vaccination and surgery. The truth about why a person is sick has never been told. What is being taught as the cause of the disease is not the cause at all; it is an illusion. The anomaly in a tissue is just what is being seen on the surface. What caused the anomaly? The answer would depend on the person who is answering the question.

The truth about why diseases occur has never been explained and people are being led to believe that diseases cannot be cured or prevented. Medicine was never designed to cure any disease, much less prevent it. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, founder of homoeopathy, was the only person who railed against allopathic medicine, his former line of work. After his death in 1843, no one continued from where he left off. Symptometry was not created to perpetuate any one’s line of thought, conviction or philosophy. It was created to bring out the truth about why diseases occur and what can be done to make people healthy by preventing diseases. Unfortunately, it found it extremely difficult to bring out the truth and here is why.

Symptometry realized that different pieces of the scientific truth about health were scattered in different books and under unexpected chapters. This was done with the intention that no one would ever dig them out and piece them together into coherent concepts. Symptometry surprised them; it dug them out and it pieced them together.

For example, the truth about the foundation minerals are not found in the textbooks of nutrition. Rather, they are found in a certain section under a peculiar chapter of the textbook on anatomy and physiology. What are minerals and vitamins doing in a textbook of anatomy and physiology, when they should have been in the textbook of nutrition? The objective is simple. It is to lure the enquirer away from the foundation minerals and keep them focused on topics that have no bearing on the source of any disease. Then, the syllabus was designed to keep students studying textbooks that would never help them to cure and prevent diseases regardless of their specialties.

By making students study the textbooks that miss the underlying causes of diseases, the promoters of medicine knew that the truth about the foundation minerals would never surface. They assumed that by not knowing anything about the foundation minerals, no one would be able to teach them; and if no one can teach the foundation minerals, no one will ever know about them. This was how withholding crucial information about health from students, plunged the entire world into darkness. It kept people in darkness with pharmaceutical drugs as their only hope since 1635 and vaccines as their only hope since 1798.

A building or a house sits on a foundation. This is obvious. Why deny the obvious? We humans also have a foundation but no one has ever taught this truth in any school. We also have a superstructure and a structure. No textbook has ever taught this truth either. Only Symptometry is teaching these truths. What are students learning at the various professional institutions of health? The answer is, extraordinarily little. Only procedures, which for the most part, will never lead to a cure or disease prevention, regardless of who is providing the treatment.

Students of health institutions do not even know what health is because health has never been defined. It is Symptometry that defines health in the most sensible manner. Instead of learning about the cells and cellular health, students are learning all there is to know about pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, and fragmentation.

Fragmentation is being studied as specialties with physicians being trained to become bone specialists, urination specialists, eye specialists, tooth specialists (dentists), gum specialists (periodontists), ear, nose and throat specialists; brain specialists (neurologists), blood specialists (hematologists), skin specialists (dermatologists), female specialists (gynecologists), respiratory specialists (pulmonologists), liver specialists (hepatologists), etc. ignoring the fact that a human being is an interconnected and interdependent biological existence.

Specialization has been helpful to some extent but it has not yet uncovered the underlying cause of any disease at the cellular level.

To prevent anyone from ever exposing their shortcomings and from causing a revolt, allopathic chemists have been routinely adding paracetaldehyde to pharmaceutical drugs. Look up the word “Paracetaldehyde” in Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary. It is a man-made chemical with a purpose. This chemical makes a person docile. As a matter of fact, it makes the person so docile and submissive that they would always want to side with the physicians who are drugging them, paralyzing them, keeping them in the dark, and causing their premature death. Additionally, paracetaldehyde keeps the person who takes pharmaceutical drugs repeatedly, under some kind of hypnotic spell. Such a person would only want to be treated by a physician.

All the warnings on television about the awful side effects of pharmaceutical drugs mean nothing to a person who is under the influence of paracetaldehyde. These warnings fall on deaf ears. Die-hard drug enthusiasts often state, “Well, we all will die someday, no matter what we do…” It does not concern them that physicians are not able to find the source of their health problems and remove them so that they are cured. They are satisfied with being misdirected and misinformed.

Also, the die-hard drug enthusiasts are of the opinion that there is absolutely no truth to the connection between the food we eat and our diseases. They believe God provided us with food; therefore, we must eat all of what God has provided us, whether it is corn, pasta, eggs…any food regardless of the health implications they may bring. Even though we are made of water and nutrients, they believe once we are sick, it is pharmaceutical drugs that will make us feel better. Do all these statements come from a person of a sound mind? The answer is, no.

What has paracetaldehyde done? It has twisted the minds of many individuals, thereby securing for allopathic medicine, the largest market ever; and this market happens to be the biggest portion of the population of every country. Also, paracetaldehyde has turned people into a permanent reservoir of patients for allopathic medicine all over the world. No matter how horrible and incompetent many physicians are, thousands of patients will still flock to hospitals across the globe every day for their services. This scam did not start 20 years ago. It started thousands of years ago, and now, no one can stop it. It has been thousands of years in the making and now it has been perfected to the fullest satisfaction of the pharmaceutical companies and the health insurance companies.

The physicians who came to study Symptometry were dissatisfied with their line of work and they found the teachings of Symptometry to be the most credible and the most appealing. Unfortunately, they thought they could just add Symptometry to their practice and somehow boost their credentials. They were mistaken. Symptometry is not for sale and they quickly found that out.

Symptometry is not here to complement allopathic medicine, homoeopathic medicine, acupuncture, osteopathy, chiropractic, etc. It was created to tell the scientific truth about health, why people keep deviating from health, and getting sick. It was also created to teach what should be done to prevent diseases and to recover from illnesses. This is and shall always be, Symptometry’s mission statement.

Symptometry is not railing against the providers of symptom treatment. They are free to do whatever they want within the framework of the law. As long as they have a market, let them continue to be patronized by their clients or their patients. However, what is certain is, oil and water will never mix. In other words, the providers of symptom treatment will forever remain providers of symptom treatment and Symptometry will always remain the provider of root-cause therapeutics. To some, medicine is not a scam. It is just their manner of doing business. Is it really? Food for thought!!!



The scam of medicine by Ahmad Yousaf, MD, published in NEJM-Journal watch on June 24, 2016

Fraud and deceit in published medical research by Lohsiriwat V and Lohsiriwat S, Journal of Medical Association, Thai, 2007

The Hoax of Modern Medicine: Seven Facts You Need to Know by Mike Adams, published on September 4, 2007 in News Target/Truth Publishing, Organic Consumers Association, Finland, MN 55603


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