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The Living Proof of a Cure


How symptometric science triumphed over medical science
Dr. Maxwell Nartey, Professor of Symptometric Science
The American School of Symptometry, NFP

Case study

An extremely sick 84 year-old man who was suffering from chronic kidney disease, lost his appetite. For days, he refused to eat and drink water. The situation became so troubling that his children took him to a hospital. He was immediately hospitalized. Because he refused to eat, and he could neither swallow food nor drink water, and he could not talk, he was intubated. Shortly after the intubation, he started to swell.

By the third day, he had swollen even more. The physicians kept him for observation as they ran more tests to find out why he was swelling so much. Since all the tests were negative, and they ran out of options, he was discharged.

His children presented this case to Symptometry. A few days after particulate therapy, his entire lymphatic system was successfully decongested, and he was able to talk; he regained his appetite, and he was able to eat and drink water. Molecule therapy followed.

Basically, this man’s case presented itself as Symptometric science versus medical science. Why did Symptometry have the upper hand under this circumstance? Here are the details.

The Hahnemannian products released propulsive and filtration forces. These forces penetrated the cells of the man’s ducts, vocal cords and hypothalamus to release power, pressure, vibrations and strength. This was how they were able to reverse the paralysis that affected his hypothalamus, bile duct, speech mechanism and swallowing muscles. Intubation could not reverse this quadruple paralysis.

The particulates that the Doctor of Symptometry used were succussed products. In a succussed product, the active ingredient, the amino acids, the essential fatty acids, the minerals, the vitamins, and the trace elements have been polymerized with positrons, neutrons and protons dominating the energy field. This domination neutralizes the electrons in the active ingredient. The other factor that played to Symptometry’s advantage was the man’s dogged determination to beat the odds and live.

A person is a dynamic medium. A dynamic medium who wants to live and does not have any doubt about the efficacy of the therapeutic substance, will deploy all the powers of his or her mind to make the treatment succeed. Therefore, this man’s mind played a part in his dynamic recovery.

Dr. Joe Dispenza, neuroscientist, educator, and modern-day mystic, and other mind power researchers, acknowledge the power of the mind in altering circumstances, and they teach the amazing power of the mind, especially in people who want to heal.

Living beings are not cadavers because they have a mind. Living beings react to contaminated foods, poisons, the toxic side effects of pharmaceutical drugs, the toxicity of plant alkaloids, sea salt, Himalayan salt, certain mineral salts, the halogens in mosquito bites, wasp bites, bee sting and the protein poison in shellfish, etc. Therefore, if what is shutting down their eleven systems are still in their body, they must be neutralized. Physicians care less about what is shutting down a person’s systems.

How did the particulate make the man eat again, regain his appetite, reactivate his swallowing muscles, digest food, significantly reduce the swelling, and make him talk again? They supplied electrical energy, thermal energy, and magnetic energy to all the low-pressure areas in his body. It is because the subatomic particles could penetrate his cells that they were able to infuse energy into his mitochondrial DNA, and then, into his nuclear DNA, genes, and chromosomes in all his nuclei.

He was able to talk, swallow food and water, open his eyes, etc. because the nuclei in his nerve cells, muscle cells, stomach cells, cartilage cells, ligament cells and visceral cells got what they wanted, which is energy, and plenty of it. This was how the particulates reversed his multi-focal paralysis.

The swelling was cleared because he could produce enzymes again and some of the ancillary enzymes smashed the covalent bonds of the poisons and the toxins that were preventing the lymphocytes from eating away lymph in his lymphatic system.

Family members including the nurses who were skeptical of the efficacy of treatments other than pharmaceutical drugs, were amazed at the outcome. Physicians are quick to dismiss this phenomenal success as anecdotal. Any success that was not subjected to the flawed allopathic double-blind or crossover studies is dismissed as anecdotal. Not so fast this time.

Symptometry has its metrics and testing standard. It is called Curing is Proving. Symptometric science is not medical science, and medical science is not Symptometric science. Therefore, the standards of one should not be used to judge the other. Results should be judged on their own merits.

Per Curing is Proving, results speak louder than words. The 84 year-old man is walking again, he is talking again, he is swallowing food again, and he is drinking water again. More importantly, no part of his body is swollen. The entire family is happy that they are not making plans for a funeral. What else is there to prove? Nothing. This is what Curing is Proving means. Symptometry is a solution-oriented method.

Physicians resorted to intubation. After intubating him, his food could not digest. Instead, it made him swell even more because undigested food was jamming his lymphatic system. Also, intubation left all the debris, calcification, and congestion in his lymphatic and digestive systems. Then, it left all the toxic alkaloids and the poisons in his circulatory and urinary systems.

Finally, intubation did not clear the blockages that were in the man’s paralyzed muscles and nerves and it did not enable the man to produce food enzymes and ancillary enzymes. Symptometry’s particulate therapy and molecule therapy did. This was another difference.

If Symptometry had not intervened, this 84 year-old-man who wanted to live, would have died because intubation was not the solution. It was part of the problem. Six months later, this man’s children reported that their father was doing very well.

Life is all about making choices. Symptometry may not be able to pull him back from the brink of death next time around. Therefore, making good choices, scientific eating, producing an enzyme surplus every day, producing neurons every day, etc. should be his best option for the rest of his life, that is, if he wants to be healthy and stay optimally healthy.

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